Freckle replied to the topic new layout in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 11 years ago
We went through this the last time you dropped a new forum on everyone without consultation or even a polite warning. Suggestion after suggestion was made that time with little or no change. I gave up last time why should anyone bother this time. This forum has been around since Adam and is in its whatever iteration, 3rd that I know of. If you…[Read more]Freckle replied to the topic new layout in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 11 years ago
I thought the last one was bad and barely functional. This one is another level lower again.
For a guy who is supposedly a property guru the IT side leaves a lot to be desired. Considering this site gets milked for all its worth I would think throwing some real dollars at this revenue stream and fixing it once an for all would be money well…[Read more]Freckle started the topic New site is it working?? in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 11 years ago
<p>Tries one post and it disappeared into the ether</p>
Freckle started the topic The New New site… here we go again. in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 11 years ago
<p>Still finding my way around this thing. I have to say as I get older I like change less and less unless it materially improves the previous version and I’m not convinced this new latest and greatest site does. One thing that irks me more than anything is that these site incarnations are thrust on the community with no consultation or at the…[Read more]
Freckle replied to the topic No tenants ! What to do ? in the forum General Property 11 years ago
Let me guess, east coast mining area/town???
Freckle replied to the topic China unravelling faster now…here it comes… in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
Pretty obvious where this is going …..
HSBC China Composite PMI Tumbles To 28-Month Lows As Services Fell (& Rose)
Freckle replied to the topic Overseas Investors oz forex in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago
I use XE
Been using them for years. AU -> NZ, NZ ->China, NZ/AU -> Malta
Freckle replied to the topic Japan (and its Real-Estate market) Rides Again in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago
Hey you're not conning me… I'm no April fool
Freckle replied to the topic Spreadsheets etc in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago
I know
Freckle replied to the topic Spreadsheets etc in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago
Freckle replied to the topic What is a co-broke ? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago
Googled it 2 sec's (sigh)
When brokers are working on a 'co-broke' basis, they are sharing exclusive listings with each other. In a co-broke transaction, one broker will represent the buyer or renter, while the other will represent the owner of the property. The commission is usually split 50/50.
Freckle replied to the topic Beware CBA in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
They're all tarred with the same brush and have the same puppeteers namely JPM and HSBC
and who owns corporate Australia and pulls their strings..
You dig deeper into these companies and you find a lot of cross ownership in that most have shares in each other through diverse conduits. On the face of it it looks like JPM and HSBC have around…[Read more]
Freckle replied to the topic leverage in Australia versus ‘all cash’ in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago
Nigel Kibel wrote:
However I still believe there is more upside in the US markets.And let me guess they'd be…. don't tell me … don't tell me… Florida and Texas ….right!!……jeez I'm good
Freckle replied to the topic China unravelling faster now…here it comes… in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
It's not unusual for the big guys to grab all the limelight in good times and bad but in their shadow stand many smaller countries who will add to the mayhem should things go tits up.
Hong Kong banks have loaned 165% of the territory’s GDP to China
Freckle replied to the topic leverage in Australia versus ‘all cash’ in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago
Nigel Kibel wrote:
If any of the Doomsday predictions of your happen I guess we are all screwed.Seems McKnight is alluding to the same kinds of things I am …….particularly the Aussie market…
Hi…[Read more]Freckle replied to the topic China unravelling faster now…here it comes… in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
I can't be absolutely sure in this upside down world of finance but my gut tells me China may just have had an uh-oh! moment…
China's Credit Pipeline Slams Shut: Companies Scramble For The Last Drops Of Liquidity
…where $1 trillion in credit was created in the fourth quarter alone, that is clearly unsustainable for the simple reasons that…[Read more]
Freckle replied to the topic leverage in Australia versus ‘all cash’ in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago
Nigel Kibel wrote:
Its alright freckle I expected your comments I notice in another post you are predicting that China will disappear off the face of the earth as well. If any of the Doomsday predictions of your happen I guess we are all screwed.How does exaggeration help your argument? Diverting attention to other discussions doesn't help…[Read more]
Freckle replied to the topic leverage in Australia versus ‘all cash’ in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago
Nigel Kibel wrote:
I believe that it is a great time to buy in the United States. The economy is recovering and there is no doubt that both prices and rental demand are on the rise.You have to stop reading the "Onion" Nigel. All publicly released data is really satire to amuse the masses. When politicians and their agents tell you the…[Read more]
Freckle replied to the topic China unravelling faster now…here it comes… in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
Stevie2013 wrote:
I'm very curious to know what you believe will happen to the Aussie dollar as a resultThe AU$ is a tough one. Logic says it wall fall against all currencies if China folds but if China folds then many other countries are also in the crapper as well. The US$ is looking like it could take a hiding over the next decade. The…[Read more]
Freckle replied to the topic China unravelling faster now…here it comes… in the forum Opinionated! 11 years ago
underdev wrote:
China is the richest country in the world, guess who the western world owes all its debt to?
China isn't rich. It's one of the most indebted countries in the world. It prints 200+ billion per month trying to keep the ship afloat. Without cheap labor it falls flat on its face.
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