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  • forestroad replied to the topic Hobart suburbs that are worth looking at in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Calvin_thirty4,I found this really clear description  of the " Section #2" Vendor Statement  at the Realchoicemortgages website. It's quite thorough. Hope this is useful to you.Regards,Francis   Section 32 Vendor Statement What Is the Section 32 Vendors Statement? The Vendor's Statement is the means by which the vendor provides a…[Read more]

  • forestroad replied to the topic Hobart suburbs that are worth looking at in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 10 months ago

    If you're going to buy in Hobart I would suggest you have a Hobart lawyer to do your conveyancing as they do things a little different down there. Normally, a 30 day settlement has been normal but I keep pushing for 60 days. The contracts of sale are pretty basic and have no " Section 32" like here in Victoria. Everything is negotiable providing…[Read more]

  • forestroad replied to the topic Hobart suburbs that are worth looking at in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 10 months ago

    In relation to Hobart… either you can seek reasonable yields 6%-7% further out of town in areas such as Glenorchy and Claremont. West Moonah is offering a more balanced return with yield and some growth; it seems to be booming. New Town is great as well as it is close to the CBD and is quickly becoming a "lifestyle" neighbourhood though, prices…[Read more]


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