If you are not planning on selling for 12 months and won’t be able to title for 6 months due to paying off the OSC then it gives you 6 months to get titles ready in order to sell the units individually, cant see anything obvious that will prevent this happening?
You have the rate offered to you and then the assessment rate that varies between 5 to 8% so choosing a lender/product with a lower assessment rate can bump up borrowing capacity somewhat.
Thanks for your advice. I ended up buying a cheap motel in 2016 and sold it in early 2021. Paid a little over $400,000 for a FHGC and the capitalization rate had been about 40-50% (net a little over $200,000 pa).
The agent will know what the reason is, whether he will disclose or not (doesn’t sound that way) is the test. Go back and ask him/her why the seller doesn’t allow a building inspection.
Put property in a discretionary trust, live there and sign a lease and pay rent to the trust, run a business from home and the rent becomes a deductible business expense as a bonus.
Seek advice from an accountant first, as always.
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Colin Rice.
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Colin Rice.
I use it to create interest and develop a personal brand, to me every bit of visibility you can attain will leave an impression on your followers/lurkers’ minds, and when someone mentions a need for your service you get a mention. It seems the best approach is to be indirect and show that you have an active and interesting life to garner a following, rather than direct sales.
Went to a seminar last night and Perth people pay 24% of nett wages to rent/mortgage repayments, Sydney is closer to 44% so it will be relative to the geographic location of the impact that is felt.
I would say we will get into stress, without anything else changing such as unemployment or hyperinflation, around the 6% mark which historically is a comparatively low-interest-rate historically speaking as banks asses still at around 7% rates, factoring increases based on the medium historical average interest rate.
There are many other variables to consider than just interest rate.
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Colin Rice.
The valuer will makes notes in the report and the bank will decline to approve unless you can show funds available to complete the necessary repairs and upgrades. If you get into structural changes then they will likely decline. There are still options available for finance, in this case, you won’t be paying retail rates though.
Pre royal commission this was a relatively easy fix, now, as @terryw has already stated it will require a full application to assess serviceability under the new repayment schedule. Being self-employed, depending on your scenario can also complicate matters.
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Colin Rice.
Perth is currently experiencing both high growth and high yield returns due to this unique time in history with interest rates at an all-time low, especially fixed rates which can provide a level of comfort to those entering the investment property market.
Cash flow positive and capital growth within a capital city is a rare occurrence indeed.
2. Income – you will need to demonstrate income above and beyond all outgoings including living expenses which will leave you with surplus income that would need to cover the repayments at between 7-8% inmost cases.