Mactier replied to the topic Buyers Agents Reviews in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
I never dealed with them.
Mactier replied to the topic Investing In A Declining Market in the forum Creative Investing 8 years ago
Hi there, I am also planning to invest in the market, but before that I want to know that is it a good time to go for long term investment? My friend is investing in and he also suggested me the same. If you have any suggestions, please tell me.
Mactier replied to the topic How to grow an investment portfolio with limited Equity in the forum Creative Investing 8 years ago
Hi there, thanks for sharing this good article.
Mactier replied to the topic I want to buy property to do "rent to own" where do i start?? in the forum Creative Investing 8 years ago
Hi there, you can go for property management by yourself.
Mactier replied to the topic Renovating Consultant in Adelaide in the forum Value Adding 8 years ago
Hi there, I like to do most of the things DIY in my house. But going with professional renovating consultant is good idea.
Mactier became a registered member 8 years ago