Fluffy replied to the topic is this true about insurance? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi Alex,
It would depend on the insurance company and I would suggest you ask any questions you may be concerned about as each are different.
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic Perth Pricing just Stupid! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I live on the Gold Coast and I would hve to probably agree with you in relation to Perth. It certainly needed a rise as it hadnt in a long time although I am sure you will see a correction I dont think it will be a huge one – but 8 – 10% may effect some people if they have bought a high priced property. I guess it all comes down to value…[Read more]
Fluffy replied to the topic Subdivisions in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Hi Colin,
What an interesting story. Thanks so much for your info – I will go and have a chat to them – thanks again.
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic Can Anyone Recommend PM in Rockhampton in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Brisbane 04,
I have to 2nd that. I’ve had a property in Rocky for over 1 year and my property Manager is with Kas Woch. I havn’t had any problems so far.
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic good suburb bad suburb in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Cashpoor,
No trouble at all, I think I got things clarified. Would like to help you out with Melbourne but I don’t know the area that well. Hopefully someone else can give you a rundown!
Good luck with it all
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic Tender in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago
Hi Playa Chicken,
Was pleasantly surprised when I read your post as I have 2 properties in Gisborne – yippee!. I knew the market had gone up there as have been keeping in touch but that price is fantastic. Do you mind me asking where abouts in Gisborne it was. Maybe I should look at selling and realise the gain.
You can pm me if you…[Read more]
Fluffy replied to the topic getting around NZ in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago
And I thought I should add that all their cars are 2nd hand, thats why they are so much cheaper but if you don’t have to drive a flash car then this may be for you!
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic getting around NZ in the forum Overseas Deals 20 years ago
Hi Richmum,
Just another thought, if you are happening to travel in the North Island, I’ve found that the one of the cheapest car hire places is A2B Car Hire. I saved over $200 by hiring with them.
Hope this helps
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic good suburb bad suburb in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Posted – 08/05/2005 : 09:26:01
fluffy, on what basis could you possibly say that Campbelltown has a bad rep. Do you live here????
Hi Neo,
I have repeated my first post below again as possibly you have misunderstood it.
I grew up in Sydney and below I have listed some area’s I think you may be talking about. For the record though I wish to add…[Read more]Fluffy replied to the topic good suburb bad suburb in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Actually, I meant to ask why to stay away from those suburbs in Brisbane? I am currently looking at the Brissy area. Can you tell me more about those suburbs.
Interested to hear from Lonnie and Cashpoor and anyone else!
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic good suburb bad suburb in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Cashpoor,
I grew up in Sydney and below I have listed some area’s I think you may be talking about. For the record though I wish to add that although they didnt quiet have a good name it doesn’t mean you won’t make money, but I certainly understand you wish to be informed about the suburbs that may have a bad reputation (or used to) so here…[Read more]
Fluffy replied to the topic I want to quit my job…help ! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Good On YOU!
I’m sorry I don’t have any real experience at property investing full time however I must say that leaving my job to invest in property full-time is a goal I have for next year, so it inspires me to hear you talking like this.
My only advice I have for you is to keep doing your research and reading books or if you get a…[Read more]
Fluffy replied to the topic GOLD COAST PROPERTY/POSITIVE CASH FLOW OR GEARING in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Lily,
The best formula to use to work out your return when looking at a property is Annual Rent div by purchase price. Eg. $18,200 annual rent divided by purchase price of $320,000 = 5.6% return. This gives you a good guide as if your interest rates is say 6.5% then you know this is not going to be positive cashflow. I’m not saying you won’t…[Read more]
Fluffy replied to the topic NZ +ve cashflow under 50K in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hi Peterhutchy,
You are best to contact Minimogul, Castledreamer or Westan on this site. They find cashflow properties in NZ.
All the best.
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic CGT if I sell in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago
Hi All,
Soooo… if you can vacate for 6 years after living in it and not pay CGT, what about if you had a IP and lived in that for over 1 year? Does CGT still apply? (wishful thinking I think)
Also, what is the definition of PPOR – does this mean you can vacate but your mail still goes there so its counted as your PPOR?
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic Rotorua – NZ in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks Westan, shall PM Del!
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic Got more than 3IPs? Interest +3% now what? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Hi All,
Thought I’d jump on the band wagon. I have 3IPs, and soon to purchase my 4th so consider myself a rookie but here goes. Some have already been suggested, but it sounds like you want a list of idea’s.
1. Fix a portion of your loan
2. Fix all of your loan.
3. Add value to your current IP’s and increase rents.
4. Buy more positive cashflow…[Read more]Fluffy replied to the topic Brisbane Book Launch Afters in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago
Hi All,
Just wanted to say I had a wonderful time last night at Steve’s books launch and met some great people.
MichaelK – pity you couldn’t have made it, maybe if people are going to his seminar in Bris in November, we can all try to meet up again.
Alwayscurious, I was looking for you but couldn’t see any hairy person with a dummy hanging out…[Read more]
Fluffy replied to the topic Rotorua – NZ in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hi Del,
At the footer of your note it says join our database for great property deals.
Can you tell me what database that is?
FluffyFluffy replied to the topic Book Launch… You’re invited! in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Hi Steve,
I know this is really late notice, but I’ve just had other plans cancelled – any chance of anyone else doing a no show so I can come to the Brisbane one tomorrow night?
Please, please, please – worth a try!
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