Hey Maynard, that’s the very reason why I didn’t join PIPS. Did my DD myself and found a bunch of complains against it.
As for the one I’m dabbling in right now, I happen to receive my 1st payments (profits) this morning. What a shock when I read the email “You have received payments!”.
ANUBIS, this is not an investment as they have said too. It is a global advertising business that pays big. That’s to say if you are in it just to make money, it is a wrong motive. You’re in it to give advertisers a run for their money and because of that, you’re rewarded.
Lucifer_au, ah ha … I knew you’ve not done your homework properly. It’s a cycling model and not a pyramid. In a cycling model, everyone is tied to everyone. Call it what you like, bottom line: It isn’t pyramid shaped.
Btw, I was chatting with someone yesterday who is familiar with coding such programs and he seems to know what he is talking about when he talk about the matrixes and the math behind it.
Yack, are you Donald Trump?? Jokes aside … Who’s to say I’m not a property investor? I just stumbled upon some opportunity this week and since the starter of the thread mentioned about PIPS, I thought I might as well let him know my due diligence on it. Cheers!
Derek, personally I have problems with PIPS as I’ve seen ppl complain against it during my DD. As such, i will not “invest” in such a system. just gambling to me.
after studying the system i’m in, i’m totally amazed at how genuine the community is and how lively the whole forum is.
This system i’m talking about is not a pyramid. Pyramids don’t work simply because it is a “some win, most lose” system. the other system i’m talking about is a “everybody wins” system.
ANUBIS, please understand this. It sounds “unbelievable” for most people and that’s fine cos we’ve been programmed/conditioned to not believe in something as good as this.
However, if i were to suggest anything it would be to look at it in a different angle and see what’s their business model like.
Guys, in fact I stumbled upon these programs yesterday morning and found their “investors” to have mixed feelings about this PIPS thing. 1 thing led to another and by chance, I found a truly amazing opportunity where your money is doubled within 60~90 days (it comes closer to 100 now though).
Invested some money into it slightly later. I found all their members to be EXTREMELY pleased and happy with the program and some of them have met the founder personally and found him to be righteous, honest and has integrity. I liked what I heard so I went ahead with it.
Steven, thanks for answering that for me.
I’ll like to use an example to see if I actually understood that.
Based on a $200k loan at 10% interest (5 years), I’ll be paying the $20k interest amortized over 5 years. After the 5 years, I’m left with just the principal to clear …. Right?
Simon, to paraphrase it, does it mean that with IO loans, I’m maximising my cashflow?
The downside is that your debt wont reduce during the IO period however this may not be an issue – depending upon your strategy.
Why’s this so? Is it because I’m paying off all my interest on the loan paying actually paying off for the principal borrowed?