Fiit replied to the topic Cheap coco palms? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Originally posted by waynel2:
Hi Guys,Is it mainly the seeding that annoys people about Coco palms?
I actually like the look of them – though i guess everyone thinks differently:)
If it is the seeding, then I plan to sell this house within 5 yrs…so hopefully i won’t have to worry bout seeds dropping everywhere:)
Anyway, thanks all for your…[Read more]
Fiit replied to the topic Pretty Lost … How should I start? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Welcome aboard.
I’m much in the same boat as yourself. Just finished reading the book. We obviously are keen to start, but how to make a start is the question that needs answered.
I have began to bury myself in everything ‘PI’ related. Each topic and subject I read, I find I am learning and getting closer to the required knowledge to make the…[Read more]
Fiit replied to the topic Cheap coco palms? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Originally posted by waynel2:
Hi Fiit,Thanks for the advice, though budget is bit of a factor – do you know how much kane palms are? (approx)
With the seeding, I’ve heard this only happens once they reach 10 yrs +… is this correct?
cane palms are sold in pots in a ‘clump’ so you can end up getting between 3 – 6 palms in the one pot. Prices…[Read more]
Fiit replied to the topic Cheap coco palms? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Originally posted by waynel2:
Hi guys,I’m doing bit of a backyard blitz, and I’m looking for 15 or so coco palms.
Does anyone know where I can find cheap coco palms in Perth (Northern Suburbs)?
There was a place at Canningvale markets which had quite mature ones for $15 each – though the property is up near Quins rock so I’m looking for…[Read more]
Fiit replied to the topic Highly motivated virgin in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Thanks Rogue,
the heading was designed to cause a bit of humour. No law against enjoying yourself as you make money – yet.
I’m sure the longer I use this forum, the more it will of use to me.