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  • Fester replied to the topic Fee’s on Town houses, Duplex, etc in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    I have a duplex in a complex. Body Corp about $2,400 (admin + sinking) per year! Have to pay to keep the tenant happy in the pool and gym and BBQ and tennis court etc [;)]

  • Fester replied to the topic longest i/o loan in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Adelaide Bank gave me 10 years IO.

  • Fester replied to the topic People still selling the -ve gearing con? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Well Crashy, most of my properties are -ve geared BUT +ve cashflow. Each one is putting a little into my pocket each week and have had very good capital growth. So where is that wrong? I have a long term strategy and so far it is working very well, I am happy. Each to his own!

  • Fester replied to the topic Anyone here from SA? in the forum Opinionated! 22 years ago

    I’m from Adelaide!

    Have 5 properties and one in the pipeline, if the bank is kind to me!!

    email is:

  • Fester replied to the topic Calling windows XP users in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I have installed Ezrent on my laptop and my desktop (both XP Pro). The desktop has SP1 and all security updates, no probs. The laptop will not accept SP1 (get error “AssocIsDangerous”, and continually loops from boot to shutdown!!). It has all security updates and Ezrent installed without a hitch.

  • Fester replied to the topic Neutrally geared properties in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Howdy Shane. Gee, you sure have a lot of posts in such a short time!! This and positive gearing has me rather perplexed. People that are neutral geared I assume they mean the rent covers all outgoings including interest, council rates etc. Now as I understand it back in 1985, the Worlds Greatest Treasurer, disallowed interest on borrowed money to…[Read more]

  • Fester replied to the topic Age in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I’m 52. Never had a prob. Loans IO, 30 years. I have a very good super scheme. Plan to retire at 55.

  • Fester replied to the topic Regional Investing in S.A. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Elizabeth is certainly not regional, it is an Adelaide suburb!

  • Fester replied to the topic Will you buy if -ve gearing is abolished? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hmm … does anyone think it may be political suicide? A lot of “mum & dad” investors I know, who have become a bit disillusioned with other forms of investing have used the equity in their home to purchase one or more IP’s in the hope that it may help them in their retirement. All I know rely on negative gearing to make it worthwhile! Most have…[Read more]

  • Fester replied to the topic How many you got? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    I started September last year (2002). Have 4 IP’s now plus our PPOR. Would love to increase my collection but have run out of equity in our PPOR!! Not enough IP equity yet to borrow against them.If I could get the finance I would keep going. It just amazes me how people do keep going! Tell me the secret.
