Fergs replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
What advice do you guys have I have $20k in the bank and have started a business, to get my first investment+ive cash, what dollar figure should I save, what sites are bets for private sale in melbourne?Warm regards,Fergs
Fergs replied to the topic which area is good for living ?? (Melbourne – Victoria) in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
sienna1 wrote:
we have investments in truganina/tarneit which is south west. you can see the city from the properties. its a great area, heaps of shopping, schools, reserves, new houses.. fell in love with itHi there, what kinda price range would this properties? be im looking at my first investment prop. and how far from the CDB?many thanks,Fergs
Fergs replied to the topic FINANCIAL TROUBLE in today’s economy in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Thanks for sharing that, im just finishing the book $1M worth of property in 1 year with the MAP program, the more I read it the more I see its a possibility to buy property with little funds. Ill be investing in shares in the mean time to raise capital…
Fergs replied to the topic FINANCIAL TROUBLE in today’s economy in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
I haven't lost my job but im running several small businesses in order to get my first IP next year hopefully.I think there are hopefully some better ops. for finding houses with problems that can be fixed in the melbourne area. Does anyone know a good way to find properties that are privately listed for sale? many thanks.Fergus
Fergs replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago
1992 Camry, 335,000km original engine…its a gem.Im not in the market yet still reading these great posts and researching and saving hard!Can anyone recommend where to score bargain cars? (2nd hand, I would love another camry soon)Many thanks,Fergus
Fergs replied to the topic First Home Buyer/investor questions in the forum How much can you borrow with 16 years ago
How much can you borrow with a total saving of $50K how does the crietia for loan lending work?Also what are peoples thoughts on the Government home saving account at 17%? As I am looking at buying my first IP in 12-18months time and want to invest my funds to make more money within the next 12 months?Thanks
Fergs replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Hi Im new to investing and want to know is there a way to find the properties that are for sale by the owner rather than the RA and any good resources or websites you might recommend?Also an unrelated question I have $30K (not including govern grants) and wanted to know how much of a deposit I should have for an I.P around $220K ? Many thanks