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feet first

  • feet first replied to the topic Kalgoorlie in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hello all,

    I am also currently looking at Kalgoorlie and surrounds for an I.P. and, as this would be my first venture out of Vic, I would like to know streets /areas to avoid if possible and if units or houses are more in demand as rentals. ?

    There seems to be alot of “for sale” properties available, would like to know if rentals are easy to…[Read more]

  • feet first replied to the topic Rural property in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Seneric,

    You didn’t specify size or type of rural property and/or what you intend to do with it- eg. rural residential, possibility of sub-division, hobby farm or working farmland?
    There is a big area of difference, and, depending on this you could try approaching “rural banks”- there are several of them (internet) look for those in your area.…[Read more]

feet first