Farcanary replied to the topic Help requiried I want to lease a portion of my rural land to myself then sell the block minus the leased part in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 7 months ago
Neil,Just a thought – you may be able to consider company title.Company title essentially allows seperate entities to have an interest in the same property without subdivision. A company would own the hobby farm and you would sell shares of that company that entitle the other party to have exclusive rights in perpetuity over the new house. The p…[Read more]
Farcanary replied to the topic How can I target developers ????? in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 7 months ago
Why don't you take 18 month options on your neighbours properties to increase the size of the site and make $$ off the sale of their properties aswell…
Farcanary replied to the topic Help requiried I want to lease a portion of my rural land to myself then sell the block minus the leased part in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 7 months ago
Neil,Bad news I'm afraid.I work in establishing long term leasehold interests across a range of properties types and can confirm the situation in NSW.It may not suprise you to learn that legislators have anticipated attempts to essentially subdivide by establishing long term leasehold tenure over properties such as 99 year leases and alike. F…[Read more]