fadridrocky replied to the topic Tenants to clean gutters? in the forum General Property 12 years ago
alfrescodining wrote:
Good morning.Who is responsible for commercial carpet cleaners gold coast the gutters? Me or the tenant?
My property manager told me this morning that if my tenant gets up on a ladder to clean the gutters and falls off and hurts themselves, then I'm liable.
Is this correct or have I just been given a carpet cleaning…[Read more]
fadridrocky replied to the topic Plumbing Tips, Tricks and Stories in the forum General Property 12 years ago
denisc wrote:
LEAKING PLUMBING Another major risk from leaking plumbing &/or water pooling is that from Sydney north it creates ideal conditions for termite infestation. This can lead to repairs & control costs into the tens of thousands. I do not believe in turning the sub-floors of my house into toxic waste dumps. The permanant solution for…[Read more]