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  • eyekew replied to the topic Equity Question in the forum Finance 14 years, 1 month ago

    Hi , well & good but the actual amount of " top up  / line of equity "you will be allowed to get from your bank will depend on your Income and serviceability of the amount of loan at either 80%  or 90 % of total Value  ( but at 90% you will be up for mtg insurance + fees and charges etc ) Simple formula you could use based on the informat…[Read more]

  • eyekew replied to the topic Finance for a block of 4 units in the 1 title in the forum Finance 14 years, 1 month ago

    Hi , I am a small player in Investment properties but have  a number of them over the past 8 years .I bank with ANZ and currently on a breakfree package -which allows me to apply for up to 5 loans with no application or establishment  fees  with  yearly fee of $320 and discounted interest rates as the value of borrowings grow – which suits me fin…[Read more]

  • eyekew replied to the topic Property Growth and Equity in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Twinkle this Quick formula may help  to work out your Equity – If you want to Hold onto the Property as security – you can access the  ' Equity ' in the properety ( if there is any ) if you sell your property then the diferance is " profit"   or ' capital gain "  in your case to work out your Equity –  ( As a Guide only )  Purchase price / Bu…[Read more]

  • Hi Steve , appreciate your comments and advice – you have explained it very well – we had investment  rental properties in the past but this was a ' new one '  for us on our vacant block .We may consider the option,  on examination of their  'Offer to Purchase'  and the terms & conditions of that offer before we turn down the opportunity  to sell…[Read more]


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