exposed replied to the topic 3 unit development in Epping VIC in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 2 months ago
Hi CDC-Oscar
It sold for $238k you going to argue about sale price? Quick sale price?????????????????? Might want to check with the real estate agent how long this thing was for sale over 6 months after completion holding costs????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? the reason why the other 2 are not…[Read more]
exposed replied to the topic 3 unit development in Epping VIC in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 2 months ago
<moderator – delete personal comment and details> it sold for $238500 take agent fee and tax off ????? In the feas it says they are worth $840k combined. Do 3x 238500 and take off all agent fee and tax after doing that let me know how much you made. If you dont have access to Rpdata check on
exposed replied to the topic My latest development – 4 dwellings in Melbourne in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 2 months ago
Go check his other development site.
Do RPdata on the address in the thread.
exposed replied to the topic My latest development – 4 dwellings in Melbourne in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 2 months ago
Now now…. You jumped on CDC bandwagon, why don’t you go and ask them for the address and check on Rpdata? Lets just say after selling costs and actual sale price it is nowhere near the feas calculations. Have you seen the designs they use or inspected what they build????? Have you spoken to a RE Agent about the stuff they build and what prices…[Read more]
exposed replied to the topic My latest development – 4 dwellings in Melbourne in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 2 months ago
If you sold for the price in the feaso why wouldnt you post adddress online? Posting address people can confirm its all fine in the numbers depertment…more proof more potential customers. You need to check on RPdata once you do that come back here for a discussion.,, i know the address and have checked.
exposed replied to the topic 3 unit development in Epping VIC in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 2 months ago
Check on RPdata after checking talk.
exposed replied to the topic My latest development – 4 dwellings in Melbourne in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 2 months ago
None of ‘complete development solutions’ numbers work, request address of said development and check on Rpdata what they sold for. 2 year project for 12-14% return.
The OP Should post address for potential customers to see of results rather than relying on his word :)
exposed replied to the topic 3 unit development in Epping VIC in the forum Value Adding 10 years, 2 months ago
LOL HE WONT POST ADDRESS… Because if he does you can cross check on RPdata once you check sale price you will see it sold for nowhere near the price in the feaso.haha
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exposed became a registered member 10 years, 2 months ago