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  • everdine replied to the topic fresh flowers in the forum No Subject 18 years, 5 months ago

    Great Idea Thanks Simon!

  • everdine replied to the topic Inspecting Property in Person before purchase in the forum General Property 19 years, 11 months ago

    We learned you can’t smell cat’s pee on internet photos either. And were very glad we went to personally inspect a property that looked fine but made us pewk!!


  • everdine replied to the topic Can I keep my neg geared properties as well??? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Anne, this is an interesting topic.

    We did the opposite. With what we learned from Steve’s first book. We bought 2 IP’s, both with P&I loans and both with 20% deposit, they are both +ve, in the country, but in areas where they are achieving growth also, slow but better than money in the bank.
    As we don’t own our own home, or much super, we…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic Word of the day: Unregistered Easement in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 11 months ago

    The real estate agents we have dealt with in SA have been telling us about easements on the properties we have looked at/bought.


  • everdine replied to the topic Question in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 11 months ago

    Sounds like you may have come to a hurdle but you must be an achiever and hard worker to be a manager at 19, and have bought your first property.

    Try to find a solution to overcome your cashflow challenges and keep your chin up, you’ve achieved lots. Every error is a learning opportunity.

    All the best for the future, Diane

  • everdine replied to the topic Area’s to invest in. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 11 months ago

    Appreciated reading your reply Brenda.
    thanks, Diane

  • everdine replied to the topic park cabins in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    Appreciate that Robert. Our gut feeling wasn’t good. Just had to check we were on the right track.

    Thanks, Diane[smiling]

  • everdine replied to the topic rental returns in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    So our mistake was to do the place up before we got tennants?
    We have spent our days off doing repairs and maintenance before we got tennants. We couldn’t rent them as they were. We thought we would get better tennants for freshly painted, carpeted, air-conditioned and well maintained properties.
    We put up a carport and that was expected of us -…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic Who wants +’ve CF properties for 50 – 80k?? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Hi Mortgage Advisor,
    yes we have some equity available but not the approx 20g for deposit + costs. And the biggest hurdle we have had is that the bank valuers have been valuing the proerty at so much less than what the agents say it’s worth. We know it will always be less, but we have had one valued twice and the valuer only budged $1000. They…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic 2004 Achievements and Plans for 2005 in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Merry Christmas Everyone.
    Enjoyed reading all the posts here, thanks.

    Here’s our effort for 2004.
    1. Jan – Were working in Vic & renovating our newly aquired first IP, when we got a job offer so moved back to SA and started a new job as well – all in 3 weeks!!

    2. So happy to be near our kids and Grandkids again.

    3. Bought a 2nd IP in…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic Who wants +’ve CF properties for 50 – 80k?? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Merry Christmas to you all.

    We have had success in 2 “small” towns that are outside major regional centres. They are serviced by a school bus and senior citizens bus! Our property managers have worked well on our behalf and we have had no problems. Both have increased in capital value, we have had one 12 months and the other nine months.

    We…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic Favourite Movie? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 1 month ago

    Hi All,
    I did scroll fairly quickly but do believe I haven’t seen my favourite mentioned, ie

    Pretty Woman
    Think everyone should see it once a year!!

    Also enjoyed The Three Amigos and Dave and the American President.

    Yeah for girlie flicks.


  • everdine replied to the topic A Good day in the forum General Property 20 years, 1 month ago

    Congratulations lifeX and well done.

    Can understand the rewarding feeling as we recently purchased a property from one RE company, it was valued at more than we paid by the bank, then when we got the Re company who handles our property management through they said we paid at least $10,000 under market value.

    This is our first city property and…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic marina berths for sale in the forum General Property 20 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Everyone,
    I agree with comments on teaching students about money & finance.
    We have 3 sons, all taught the same, one budgets and invests, the other two live week to week. Personalities, maturity and lifestyle choices are varied in all 3 and we have learned not to compare anymore, as all 3 are happy and responsible.

    One thing close to my…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic What should I do? in the forum General Property 20 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Ronulas.

    sound like you answered your own question ie you don’t really want or need to sell.
    Being in SA I don’t know anything about Sale but it sounds like you are in a good area.
    Rents here rise annually, so why not speak to your Property Manager about raising the rent. That sounds feasible if it hasn’t gone up in 2 years and will improve…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic Avoid the backslide – 2004 still has lots to offer in the forum No Subject 20 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Steve,
    I always look forward to your newsletters and the positive encouragement.

    We are so grateful for your insight. Just over 12 months ago we heard of and read your first book. We had no home of our own and little to show for our age (45 approx) including under $20,000 combined super, due mainly to having worked our own, not entirely…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic masonette homes in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Shane,
    Here is SA a maisonette is normally semi-detached unit, with 2 3BR homes joined in the middle. Many were originally built by the housing trust.
    You need to research the areas they are in and the rental return etc.
    We haven’t bought any but some people have done well with them.

    All the best, Diane

  • everdine replied to the topic What will happen should labour win the election? in the forum General Property 20 years, 3 months ago

    I agree with both the above.
    In such uncertain times Mr Howard has shown leadership and direction and made positive impacts.
    We need strong leadership, that is not easily swayed by media speculation.
    Will be interested to read other people’s thoughts.

  • everdine replied to the topic any experienced mentors out there? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Hobnob,
    while I’m not that experienced – I am old-fashioned in that I would advise you to clean up your debts and start with a clean slate for your “new life.”
    You are doing so well at paying it off and although it must seem like a long, hard slog, however in reality what’s another 9 months?
    Then what you save and buy – you will never…[Read more]

  • everdine replied to the topic SA, any good? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Emc,
    in the last 12 months we have bought 3.
    Two are in regional areas – we started off buying just outside big regional centres that are getting very expensive, and have been happy with +ve cashflow and increase in value.
    As we didn’t have any more cash for 20% deposits required for regional we have used the equity to purchase a city…[Read more]

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