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  • Eternity replied to the topic Property Finance for Teen in the forum Finance 21 years ago


    First of all I would invest in a calculator! 2k + 7k = 9k… Not 8k[8] But thats ok.[;)]

    I think you would find it quite hard on the circumstances that you have mentioned. You can try looking at some cheap 30 -40k prperties, but beware they are hard to come by.

    Mortgage Hunter any thoughts?


  • Eternity replied to the topic Personal insights requested in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Ok so on 70k at interest of 10% (using worst case)you would be paying a max of 135 per week. So yeah I think it would be wiser in your situation to buy a PPOR.

    Remember: Buy under market value and get some instant equity so that you can revalue you PPOR and buy your first IP.



  • Eternity replied to the topic To Steve Mcknight in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    Steve wrote this reply:

    Hi Eternity,


    Firstly thanks for sharing in your book “0-130 Properties in 3.5 years”. It was a great read and eye-opener. I really loved it!

    You’re welcome!


    Would you care to share with us about how you are currently going in your Investing Endeavours?

    Yep – this is what I did at the recent…[Read more]

  • Eternity replied to the topic Personal insights requested in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Just Allan,

    I would say that considering that you are only paying $105 per week rent, than I think it would be wise for you to continue renting as I believe that you are in a unique position.

    $105 is cheap, and if you were to purchase a PPOR you would be paying something like 300 to 500 per week in interest alone! And the next year or so will be…[Read more]

  • Eternity replied to the topic (Property Forum) in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    I don’t think there is a forum on the Australia site.

    So we may have to join as Kiwi’s… YAY!



  • Eternity replied to the topic Adelaide Real Estate Investors Group Meeting in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    It would be great to hear about how the meeting went!!

    I would have loved to come, but I am from sydney.

    What was discussed?



  • Eternity replied to the topic Deposit bond deals in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Very risky business Nudge,

    With interest rates going up and more and more off-the-plan investors having their investment complete with their property valued for less than what they signed contracts for, I would say that this method should be avoided.

    Also because the ‘boom’ is said to be over and property prices may be on the slow down…[Read more]

  • Eternity replied to the topic S.I.S I’d like some help in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    What is this Forum meeting on Thurs?

    When? Where?

    Is this a regular occurance?


  • Eternity replied to the topic $$$ Flow Positive Stories!!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks very much Anna,

    Congratulations on your success!!

    Anybody else have some “UNITS” that are performing as well as Anna’s?

    I remember maybe 6 months ago comming accross a unit in Canberra that was for sale at $55,000 and was renting for $120 per week. At the time (before reading Steve’s book) I thought wow this is excellent. But my mistake…[Read more]

  • Eternity replied to the topic $$$ Flow Positive Stories!!! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    May I ask where you purchased your two IP’s?

    Mini lives in sydney.


  • Eternity replied to the topic $$$ Flow Positive Stories!!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I have came accross maybe 5 or 6 in my searches, but have not gone in depth with them because they did not stand out to be great deals.

    And also it felt like I found them too easily and thought “I better not just jump on this because there may just be a reason why it is so cheap” Like its a bad area, or something like this.

    So still…[Read more]

  • Eternity replied to the topic $$$ Flow Positive Stories!!! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Thanks for your reply bear,

    To be honest, I have only been in the +CFP market for two weeks, I am learning as much as I can ATM and I have a short term goal to secure my first +CFP by the end of January.

    I feel like there is alot of researching and ‘Due Diligence’ to be done on my part before I jump in.

    So its new/exciting/scary for me at the…[Read more]

  • Eternity replied to the topic $$$ Flow Positive Stories!!! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Keep the stories coming!!!



  • Eternity replied to the topic deal in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Yep i’m interested,

    Is $365 the rent for all three units?

    Send info to julian’at’

    Cheers mate

  • Eternity replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    Chipping Norton – Sydney

  • Eternity replied to the topic Land rates in different states in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    Could I please have a copy of this spreadsheet?

    email is julian’at’

    Why aren’t people writting their email addresses properly (eg: ‘at’)

    Is there some danger? Spamming?

    Have people had problems from this site?


  • Eternity replied to the topic $$$ Flow Positive Stories!!! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hey Julian,

    where abouts in sydney are you based, im also around your age (im 21[:D])and also are you by any chance an accountant or is someone in your family one, just the words you used in one of your posts, was an accountants expression.


    I live in south-west sydney, I hope your not thinking that I’m a chick mate……[Read more]

  • Eternity replied to the topic $$$ Flow Positive Stories!!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    [8D]These stories have been very helpful indeed!!!

    Thanks to all that have contributed!!!

    Keep the postings coming!!!

  • Eternity replied to the topic $$$ Flow Positive Stories!!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Come on people,

    Share your stories, even stories from a friend or someone you know. I think that the best form of encouragement is seeing real results from people who have done it!

    I would love to hear from our fellow forum members who have successfully invested in Positive Cash Flow properties.

    Post your story!!!


  • Eternity replied to the topic How to find +CFP’s in Australia?? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks heaps RugbyFan!

    My QLD investment property is called ‘Metropole’ on Mary street in the Brisbane CBD. It is a one bedroom with a blacony but no parking.

    Has anyone heard anything about Metrople?

    Can I ask you a few questions:

    1) Where is your investment located?
    2) What did you pay for it?
    3) And whats the new agent?

    Your reply will be…[Read more]

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