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  • erwanjg replied to the topic Cash Flow Positive Property in the forum General Property 19 years, 4 months ago

    Why everyone is against negative gearing property? A property is still an investment and I am willing to paid a little bit out of my pocket every week to still have a capital gain that will cover what I paid anyway

  • erwanjg replied to the topic First investment- unit in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 7 months ago

    I think firstly you should ask the real estate what is the yield % (gross or rent return). After you compare it with the formula Purchase Price=annual rent/yield %.

    the yield is due to the market.

    So if yield > 6.57% (actual in your case, then the market price should be less than what is asked. If yield < 6.57% then the price should be more so…[Read more]

  • erwanjg replied to the topic Positive Cashflow Investing in Sydney in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 7 months ago

    Firstly I suggest you to read the second book of Phil. You will discover than the goal is not to find a positive cashflow property (which is really hard in this moment everywhere in Australia) but find a “problem” and sell a solution to make a profit.
    I am not saying that such properties do not exist anymore but maybe you should write down a…[Read more]


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