It seems that almost everyone selling in the US is concentrating on Atlanta, and most seem to also be selling the same kind of properties in the same areas. Surely it’s overdone by now.
And although I still am very strong in the Kansas City areas, I’ve also now started in Ohio, and have associated with one of the better and very established companies that have a great range of properies in different areas in Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, but also have a terrific back-end full service team, including full inhouse property management.
I was getting asked quite a lot about the Ohio market, but it semems certain areas haven’t been very good for some investors, so now I can also offer a good range there.
Many areas to choose from in the US, and it seems buyers are constantly being directed at different markets at many seminars, etc, and seem to go with the herd, or just on someone telling them where thry should buy.
I also thought that cheaper end properties such as you get in most Ohio cities, were not that popular, but that’s not the case it seems, many are wanting to still buy the low to mid priced properties, so I’ve now taken that up and see what happens.
Thanks Jeff,
Atlanta and Florida :)
I hear about it every day.
The hedge funds have bought up majority of the killer deals in those areas and its much more scarce now, is what I have heard from our networks.
Just as we moved from KC to Ohio the hedge funds have opened the flood gates and there is a buying frenzy going on in KC at the moment. Its frightening to see the areas they are buying in. Recipe for disaster if you ask me.
I very much like that Ohio and Michigan still have a “stigma” associated with the 2 states. Most single investors and institutional are hesitant of jumping in.
Being on the ground and seeing everything first hand makes it obvious that they are mistaken. Off course there are certain areas of a city not to invest in but that should be the consideration across the whole board of US not just Michigan and Ohio.
Thanks for your post Jeff
Have a great day.
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by EngeloRumora.
Are you working with a bank(er) in OHIO that will finance Australians?
Are you a Tribe fan yet?
Thanks John,
We have access to a few lenders that have programs for foreign investors but not an actual bank. There is one bank that will keep the lending in house but the investors need to establish a relationship before they agree to lend.
No time to watch or follow any sports on this end ;(
I must say I love everyone’s passion about their teams hahaha
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by EngeloRumora.
I have been living and buying properties in the US for the past 2 years. The properties that Steve talks about in the first edition of his first book is pretty much whats going on in the US market at the moment.
There are cash cow properties falling off trees. I do believe that investors that already have established and Australian portfolio should consider the US market due to the differences between the 2 markets.
Thanks and have a great day.
ps. The numbers on the links you posted look very decent for Australian investing standards.
Looks good Engelo, looking forward to seeing the “after” pictures…as well as a bit of a breakdown of all the costs, it is amazing to see how much work you can get done to a property cheaply over there in the states.
Before rehab photos? I was expecting some different pics……then realised it was the overseas forum and “rehab” in the world of US property investing means something different :-)
Thanks jamie,
I hope you have been well.
Welcome to the dark side lollol
I have many US investor friends that say renovation instead of rehab but most will use the word “rehab”
Hi All, I thought I would give an update on my experience so far. I now have 2 properties and this company along with Ray White (they are managing the properties) are really on the ball. The first property was renovated really nicely and I was provided with updates throughout the process. It rented within 3 days of completion for $1150 which was 50$ more than quoted. They even gave me a free upgrade to Granite in my kitchen as they managed to get some cheap. I have been really impressed with the way Ray White has been communicating with me and Sandy has been fantastic. The second home is under renovation at the moment. They have also got me bank finance on the first home so that I could buy the second.
I was asked by Inprop to give an honest review on this site and I am doing so. I really think that this company has the investors best interest at heart.
Congratulations Jacob,
I wish you much success with your investing in the future.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jayhinrichs wrote:</div>
Long John… I have always had problems with this site… spell check would not work.. What specifically are you alluding to if you don’t mind sharing. ( I know see that spell check is auto and is working that should make me look better) this was a very vigorous site and very active a few years Ago
From a technical point of view this site has never been that great. Like you said the previous version had a lot of functionality problems that never got fixed even after many requests. This new version isn’t any better and may actually be worse. Implementation has been a disaster in anyone’s book. If McKnight ran his empire the way he runs this site he’d be broke inside 12 months. There’s a limit to peoples tolerance with these things. McKnight’s attitude doesn’t help either. If you’re not telling him what a great guy he is and kissing his hand he soon gets the pip and if you criticise him he tends to spit the dummy and chuck you out. He forgets that people come here to commune with others in the game not pay homage to his efforts. Given that this is his primary hunting ground for his product marketing you’d think he would put a bit more money and effort into providing a quality experience. He might be getting a bit too comfortable in his old age.
I was just assuming that the AU investor has turned off from the US market and I think that for a few reasons. 1. your dollar dropping. 2. Hedge funds in US buying up hundreds of thousands of homes and targeting 5 to 7% returns… thereby taking inventory from US wholesalers 3. those that still are in the Turnkey game in the US the yields have gone down substantially.. Although yields from most marketing companies and providers are best case scenarios and rarely take all expenses into account. 4. And or as Nigel so eloquently eluded to many got snookered into buying low end Ghetto houses with promises of 30% returns and not only did those returns not materialize they lost money. Then they tell friends and the next thing you know sales go way down which is what I have seen. There are still deals out there and there will always be deals in every market condition.
I tend to think the US market has run its course for the time being. The general flow of things is you get the risk takers come early adopter types who have a go first. They are followed by the herd as the first wave solve most of the initial problems then you drop into a steady flow for a while until you have maximum interest. After that you see a steady waning as market fundamentals swing against the foreign investor.
You are left with 2 types of investor after that. The early adopters who got their feet on the ground and are making a buck and the rest who got it wrong and either lost a dollar or two or who are trapped with non or poor performing properties and can’t extricate themselves without a bit of pain.
There’s also an awareness I think that the punters are becoming very hedgy now as they watch the elite pro players leave the field (such as yourself). Guys like Nigel and Engelo may actually do alright through this next phase as punters realise that employing expertise will pay dividends in an increasingly difficult market.
Hey Long John,
Thanks for the mention.
I remember reading a couple of years ago other getting mentioned as the key US guys like Jay, Alex, etc…
No my name pops hahaha
To be completely honest with you I have not received and inquiries or business from any “punters” from the forum lol. We have assisted a few investors that have been burnt buying through shady operators and that’s pretty much it.
A few investors did come forward and wanted “something for nothing” for which I happily offered my time and assisted them but decided to stop as it was not feasible with having my own real estate business to run and with being in the office 100+ hrs per week my time has become increasingly valuable to me. SPRUIKER ALERT lollol
Our group has been doing a lot of business with institutional buyers in the US and we have established some amazing relationships with individuals that have open sales channels world wide.
It took over 8 months of my PA and myself hammering down emails and calls to open these doors so our model now is no more dependent on selling just to Australian investors or single investors, although this is my most favored way of doing business.
Engelo ,,, I am booked through July and as Toledo is not on the top of my vacation hot spots I will in all likely hood make it there in the fall ( oct Nov when our summer here is done.) I like Columbus Ohio very much.. I have never been to Toledo.. Although one of the Aircraft brokers that sold one of my airplanes is located there.
October it is.
Get the plane serviced while your in town also haha
Kyler just to set the record straight here.. David has never referred anyone to me for any reason. And I do not sell any rental houses to any investors. Other than I sold my interest in TWH and the 350 homes we owned to my ex partner in Oct. I build new homes and sell them to homeowners and I lend money to US investors short term and I have a 5 year product that I lend to Aussie and other foreigners.
And I don’t need anyone “pimping anything for me”… I do quite well on my own thank you very much.
The reality of the situation is this is just another perfect example of investing in Crappy neighborhoods … and with less than capable Turn Key companies.
As anyone who has ever read anything I have posted here knows I strongly do not recommend these low end rentals for out of area investors… for the above reasons.
the quality of the people that work in these areas and price ranges and the tenant base just is a nightmare in so many occasions.
If you live and work in the Hood you can make it work… but thinking your going to buy these low end dogs and make them work from thousands of Kilometers away leads to a lot of heart ache and lost money.
The reality is people that work these markets last a couple years then move on leaving the investor holding a sub par asset at best.
Still need to finish that call??? lollol
Are you in Hawaii yet? lol
Just moved to Toledo so you need to stop by when your on your way to NY. Found a great place for lunch to take you haha
It has a “Don Salieri” feel to it and you think an old mafiaso hitman will pop up at any moment haha
The time to buy development sites was 2 years ago, this is what I have been doing in Perth, not shaky at all, its a numbers game as long as it stacks up then I buy. The market in general has been rising and very strong in Perth, however I believe it is now starting to slow down. Sydney seems to still have some steam.
I am also developing in Melb 4 unit site, it is becoming increasingly difficult to source sites as builders/investors are jumping in. I stick to small 3/4 unit developments get in and out.
As I mentioned before the power of leverage and the strong Australian property market makes investing home much more attractive than US and the numbers do appear to have dropped, less interest in US for this reason and also the fact that yields in general in US are no longer as attractive, which makes it a much riskier proposition.
It is also very difficult dealing with the systems in US as they are so archaic its unbelievable.
Seriously I have never ever dealt with anything like this. One example IRS, we sent in our tax last year, they processed my partners tax refunding the with holding tax, however did not process my documents, we have been waiting for 6 months now, many phone calls in the early hours of the morning, and finally my accountant phoned as now we were receiving fines for not processing our tax returns even though we had been discussing our documents and confirmation of this on the phone. They now have lost everything, now we are processing tax returns again. It appears that the government departments and banks seem to have no systems in place to make people/employees accountable its like I am dealing with some Third World Country, very strange. Anyway, enough of the rant, this however does make it more difficult not to mention the money you have to spend to resolve some of these issues.
I feel your pain.
Most government employees are on minimum wage and just don’t give a s…
“The banking system” lollol I cringe just typing those words haha
Also, I should write a book about what I had to go through to get all of my visa’s approved. Amazing stuff
I keep stressing the same things over and over again that establishing relationships with the right people on the ground makes the whole process much smoother and much easier. All good things take time and there is no reason jumping in to quickly.
With saying all of the above I still believe that its a once in lifetime opportunity to buy into certain areas of the US property market.
Some states have had growth ad might not be as lucrative then others but even these states are dirt cheap to what I believe is a very expensive Australia market.
The cashflow on some of these properties is just unbelievable. Even after living here for almost 2 years now I laugh when I crunch figures on some deals.
This is my first post in a long time that isn’t in the “overseas” section of the forum lollol
Where would one invest right now in Australia to get the best BANG for the BUCK?
I remember a couple of years ago when I was still in Australia we were sourcing some great deals in regional NSW, flood affected areas of Queensland and finding some crackers on the Central Coast and Newcastle.
Thanks for reading and have a great day.
This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by EngeloRumora.