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  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic My Trip to the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    hahahahaha lollol

    I thought they were a property management company until recently hahaha

    How about that gaff lollol

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Setting up a US bank account from Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    Crazy stuff guys,

    I agree the best way is to flight to the US and open the account. You can also see the product and operation first hand.

    I always get from investors "its too good to be true" lollol

    Thanks Ben and Jay.

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Setting up a US bank account from Australia in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Ben,

    Its very frustrating if the investors open accounts and than the bank decides to shut them down. It makes things very inconvenient. 

    There must be a better solution figured out for foreigners wanting to open up accounts.

    I mean we are pretty much buying the whole country haha

    Thanks and have a great day.

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Georgia buyers agent? in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    BoughtWithEquity wrote:
    LOL – I think Jay and I speak the same language.  Even in these challenging times, there is plenty of money & wealth to be created in real estate.  it's all about finding the right niche and riding that wave.  I've found mine and am loving the returns….although it's much harder to turn a 3/2 into a 4/2 with 4 separate…[Read more]

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Cash Flow Gold in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    In da ghetto

    Sup man

    U got sum swag baby lollol

    Thanks Jay

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Cash Flow Gold in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    lollol Bloody hell

    I don't know if those kind of areas exist there haha

    Thanks and have a great day.

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Georgia buyers agent? in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago


  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Cash Flow Gold in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Jay,

    I heard of 2 decent areas in Detroit that posses good opportunities.

    What are your thoughts on these 2?

    Rosedale Park and East English Village

    Thanks for your time.

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks Joshua4012.

    Looking forward to your post.

    Have a great day.

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks Jay and I agree with you.

    I thought the gentleman was looking at working for someone and not setting up a business.

    Thanks and have a great day.

  • hahahaha

    Love it Freckle lollol

    super funny

    made my day

    Thanks ;)

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic My Trip to the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    streamlineinvesting wrote:
    Thanks for your helpful pointers

    I have been in Fort Myers for a couple of days, and so far it has been a real eye opener. The place is a lot different than I expected, but it is a really nice area and I look forward to more trips here in the future.

    I was able to set up business bank accounts for my LLCs with Wells…[Read more]

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Buying property in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Dereck1,

    I don't suggest such a move unless you can get a job in a major city with a big contractor.

    The labor is really cheap here with very good plasterers and painters making around $15 per hr


  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Georgia buyers agent? in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks Andy,

    Have a great day.

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic selling property in USA in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Nich4,

    Whats the reason you are selling your home?


  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic My Trip to the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Personally I don't know of any bank that will lend to foreigners.

    There are other finance companies tho that will. They do require a higher deposit and also the interest rate is higher.

    If you get a US number please feel free to give me a call when your in Florida. I would love to chat.

    816 372 5334

    Thanks and have a great day.

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Georgia buyers agent? in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    BoughtWithEquity wrote:
    This is an old string but Atlanta never really dried up.  Many have opinions as to which market is "best"  Vegas never made any sense to me and still doesn't but to each her own.  There are still great deals to be had IF and only IF you have a good team on the ground to work with.  Our model is different as we create…[Read more]

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic My Trip to the US in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Hi streamlineinvesting,

    Thanks for your post.

    I bet you are very excited.

    On thing I can suggest is to stay connected with the banker that opens the bank account. They will assist you with future wires and transfers so its always good to have them on your side.

    I haven't had a chance to visit Florida yet but have many contacts there always…[Read more]

  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Excommission houses in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 2 months ago

    Hi James,

    Numbers work very well on housing commission stock. Potential issues with tenants other than that love the numbers for cash flow and refinance.


  • EngeloRumora replied to the topic Japan (and its Real-Estate market) Rides Again in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks for the entertainment gents.

    Just starting the day here in KC and will continue making millions $$$

    *cough* *cough*

    Of phone calls


    and emails haha

    Have a beautiful weekend :)

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