emu1208 replied to the topic Best advice : Don’t invest into property : The australian market is CRASHING. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
I just sold one of my investment property within two months and made a good profit. I have another property for rent and I thought of selling it at the end of the year. ( it will be 12 months then) I borrow 60% of the purchase price, with all the price falling I am safe to keep this property??? I need to wait 12 months so I wont pay too mush tax…[Read more]
emu1208 replied to the topic Best advice : Don’t invest into property : The australian market is CRASHING. in the forum ormeau is your post for me? 17 years ago
ormeau is your post for me?
emu1208 replied to the topic Best advice : Don’t invest into property : The australian market is CRASHING. in the forum I have two rental property 17 years ago
I have two rental property and I am out of pocket by $250fn, by the end of financial year I end up even. If ever we have a property bust and I think I will be safe cause my loan is fixed for 2 years and I only borrow 60% of the purchase price. So… Im a bit confussed of all the media report etc……should I SELL both property now and buy again…[Read more]
emu1208 replied to the topic The truth about the Australian housing market. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
r u talking to me….. young gun86????Before you give me a lippy u silly person.. this is a true fact that I have 2 property and I am in a process of getting appraisal and selling…cause I follow the market and i agree with the statement with the other guys… .. You mush have translated my writing in a different way..
emu1208 replied to the topic The truth about the Australian housing market. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
i have two property…. sounds like this is the best time to sell huh?
emu1208 replied to the topic Problem with settlement – help needed in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
thanks cat159..another question??.. I have bought and sold property…. How long or do I need to hold on to the paper work eg contract, building , pest inpection report, mortagage document etc
emu1208 replied to the topic Problem with settlement – help needed in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
I have IP in QLD and I just put it in the market today….. so…. is it 60 days notice from the day property was advertise for sale???? or 60 days notice once contract signed???
emu1208 replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum Am I allowed to advertise my 17 years ago
Am I allowed to advertise my property for sale here?
emu1208 replied to the topic PM signed up at tenant at incorrect rent!!! in the forum I just found out that 17 years ago
I just found out that Tennant now on periodic terms. She did not signed the re newed lease within 5 days therefore its nul void according to PM…Lease or no lease that ok with me.. cause,. I might be looking to put this property in the market but not sure yet!! According to the Real Estate Agent the Market very slow…
emu1208 replied to the topic PM signed up at tenant at incorrect rent!!! in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
I am thinking of selling my Rental Property, BUT tennant signed for 6 months,… How much notice do I give them? or where do I stand?? Property Manager says I have to honor the lease before I sell… is this right???
emu1208 replied to the topic Passing on Interest rate rises to tenants? in the forum General Property 17 years ago
I look after my tennant well, cause i want them to look after my property well.. I recently install aircondition, automatic garage and exhause fans. I waited until lease expired then increase rent by $10 a week. Rate increase are unfortunate and its not fair if you pass it on to the tennant, you can get it back via negarive gearing..cheers
emu1208 replied to the topic do i still need to offer a deposit??? in the forum General Property 17 years ago
I only deposited $100 and signed contract, this way they know that you are really serious about buying. It will also encorage the vendor to sign contract. I personally dont think it matters how much deposit you initially put in. Good luck
emu1208 replied to the topic New House Ready – Building inspection necessary ? in the forum General Property 17 years ago
I would HIGHLY recommend to get it check by independant licence building inspection.. No offence to the builder.. At the end of the day, you have to protect your self on the most expensive purchase of your life. cheers..
emu1208 replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum General Property 17 years ago
HiHave you thought of buying "GOLD".. I think its a good investment in the long run.. .. We bought unallocated gold 9.8 oz.. via Perth Mint. There always pros and cons on every investment… At the end of the day tis up to you how much you want to spend/risk. perthmint.com.aucheers.. good luck
emu1208 replied to the topic PM signed up at tenant at incorrect rent!!! in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
Can you terminate contract with PM and get the tennant do a direct debit to your account?.. meanwhile look for other PM.. I have similar probs.. I have 2 rental propperty in QLD, (im in Darwin) its been great until they PM left the agency. Now my RP have been passed on to a new PM which is so dumb … now she resigned/fired.. I have a new PM…[Read more]
emu1208 replied to the topic Our first reno project in the forum Value Adding 17 years ago
We just bought our second IP in Morayfield (QLD) its 4yo, house looks great and in an excellant location. Its within 5k of major shopping center, school, and day care.We are thinking of doing a bit of landscaping and a cosmetic reno to add value.. Are all these tax deductable???
emu1208 replied to the topic buying IP’s with in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years ago
It depends on your situation.. We own 2 IP .. First IP was (tennant joints) 50% wife and 50% husband.. Im not working so my husband can only claim 50% on tax.. Meanwhile my other 50% tax losses sits there till I get a job. Second IP (tennants in common)we cut it into 95% husband and 5%wife, cause It will be a while till I decide to go back to…[Read more]