emptyvessel replied to the topic First Property seminar….hmmmm not that impressed. in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Wow, that sounds lame. Was this today, in Sydney? I have some friends going and am curious to see what they have to say after going along.How many folks in the audience?Did you get a feel that were many experienced people or all newbies?Sounds like it might just be a motivational session. Which isn't a bad thing if that is all some folks are…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum General Property 13 years ago
simple wrote:
moxi10 Joined: 06/11/2010 EPI_Den Joined: 13/11/2010 xdrew Joined: 20/11/2010 Funny that, three persons all joined fairly recently, few days apart from each other and have similar view on the subject. Nick-names are not very creative to. I make no conclusion, let time and posters decideDude, that is just paranoid. Remember,…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic QLD mining regions (Bowen & Surat Basins & Gladstone): Willing to help anyone with questions in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
KevinR wrote:
The expansion of the current mine sites, relocation of camp staff from a nearby mine site and the general lack of accom in the town are the main reasons, nearby power station and other govt/private projects underway are also factors I am interested to see what conclusions people have drawn on Collinsville, have others invested…[Read more]emptyvessel replied to the topic Best advice : Don’t invest into property : The australian market is CRASHING. in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
bump – Caught this one during a random search.No bust. Can someone please get the original poster back here to defend himself? Pleeeeeaaaaaase!
emptyvessel replied to the topic $120 Houses in Australia in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Shoalhaven seconded. Margaret Lomas is a fan of Nowra too as I recall. She rarely makes a bad call. (I actually don't know of a one.)My recent experience;Feb 2011 settled on 3×3/1/1 villas, single title. Brand new. Cashflow positive after a rent increase. Maybe neutral after a couple of repairs. Strata titled and revalued in Jan 2012 for an extra…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic Doing it reno king style in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Just read this after it turned up in a random google search. I love reflecting on past predictions;The property crash never happened in Australia as mentioned by one poster. If I had listened to him, I would have missed out on a few hundred 1000's equity growth.Reno Kings keep on charging. I just listened to a podcast of some of the developments…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic Margaret Lomas’ Destiny Group in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago
Completely agree. Margaret absolutely walks the talk and is a bonafide guru.Have read almost all her books and found them to be the most down-to-earth, comprehensive and balanced of the many others I have read.After reading everything I could get my hands-on, I became a Destiny customer 3 years ago. Cost us a few thousand for a lifetime platinum…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic Help create a paradigm shift for Innovation, Invention and Productivity in Australia in the forum fWord wrote:
Bottom line is 14 years agofWord wrote:
Bottom line is this: get involved, or get out of here.This about sums it up. I would like to redirect this conversation back to creating new ideas. Let's refrain from the critical "black hat" analysis for now, there is plenty of time for that later. Let's keep this voraciously "blue sky" thinking.Comon "hbb….", you are a smart…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic How much worse can it get? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
xdrew wrote:
emptyvessel wrote:
Can someone define the term "over-leveraging" for me? I hear it alot, but nobody ever seems to quantify it. And if it is quantified by a number, does that number change based on other conditions or is it a cosmological constant (or fudge factor0?You expose yourself to more debt than you can possibly handle on…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic 21st Century USA Property Direct in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago
CheevesFinancial wrote:
Things to watch out for in Florida:Shady brokersRental Guarantees ….come on, really???? Chinese DrywallSeller FinancingTax DeedsCHEEVESwww.MyRealtySource.comThanks for the heads-up cheeves. Are you able to explain why Seller Financing and Tax Deeds are something to watch out for? I just listened to a podcast w…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic How much worse can it get? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
ummester wrote:
Debt has been growing unsustainably for a long time now – possibly as far back as the 80s. It has to correct. Doesn't matter what is done, the underlying problem has to go away for real growth to resume.Only sustainable solution is a deleveraging the likes of which the world hasn't seen since the great depression.That's my take…[Read more]emptyvessel replied to the topic How much worse can it get? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
kong71286 wrote:
The last time round it was a flight towards 'Liquidity'This time round it will be a flight towards 'Safety'Sounds good to the ear, but in reality doesn't mean anything tangible IMO.Safety and Liquidity are in the eye of the beholder. [Even I am not sure what I meant by that]
emptyvessel replied to the topic How much worse can it get? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
shoooshoo wrote:
this video summarises the sharemarket: http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6477219/remix-e-trade-baby-loses-everything hilarious!!!Gold! Awesome vid, thanks for the laughs
emptyvessel replied to the topic How much worse can it get? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
John555 wrote:
I heard someone say that it costs more to insure the US against default than Brazil. (Credit Default Swaps). Now Brazil has an S&P rating of BBB. So the US should be BBB or lower. Also in Oct 2010 Brazil last sold government bonds, they had to pay 8.85%, so what should the US be paying?S&P are part of the problem. The m…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic How much worse can it get? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
I think the market is over-reacting to the credit downgrade in response to their ludicrous overestimation of the credibility of the 3 big ratings agencies. Remember, these are the ratings agencies largely responsible for putting AAA+ on those vastly complex derivative securities that were ultimately underpinned by high-risk, low-grade…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic Help create a paradigm shift for Innovation, Invention and Productivity in Australia in the forum Opinionated! 14 years ago
Today's idea;$10 for every "open source" idea you submit for use by any Australian citizen.The idea is, generate lots of ideas. As for the selection / qualification process……that is another idea…
emptyvessel replied to the topic preparing for the worst – economic meltdown in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Out of interest, what do you regard as "highly leveraged"?Is it an absolute measurement or a relative one?
emptyvessel replied to the topic The steps to watch for in the coming Australian housing correction in the forum General Property 14 years ago
This is awesome! So many great ideas.All for the single Australia idea. As a kid I never understood it. Reduces the government, more money to get stuff done, less government to get in the way of getting it done.Water dispersal and national solar. Hell yeah! Now that's worth spending all that carbon tax on.Agreed, get rid of the handouts and get…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic Help create a paradigm shift for Innovation, Invention and Productivity in Australia in the forum Today’s idea;
Every school 14 years agoToday's idea;Every school kid entering school is "virtually paired" with one child from the third-world, for as long as the Aussie kid stays at school;Each child receives;- Free basic "survival and education" package paid for by Australian Taxes. The package can be administered by UNICEF, CCF, or similar. The money can come out of the existing…[Read more]
emptyvessel replied to the topic Help create a paradigm shift for Innovation, Invention and Productivity in Australia in the forum Opinionated! 14 years ago
Another idea for you from a TED speaker in 2009;Let's completely change the way we motivate our employees. Shift from Extrinsic "carrot and stick" motivators to Intrinsic Autonomic, Mastery and Purpose-based motivators. 40 years of hard science says it works, but our businesses don't know it.This bloke does a much better job of explaining it than…[Read more]
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