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  • emcdonald replied to the topic 19 year old, whats my next step? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi dammit,

    Congrats on the great savings you’ve accumulated! Have you had a chance to read the Young Investors thread in the Tell A Tale section? It’d be great to hear a little bit more about how you got into investing…

    Best of luck with your endeavours!


    erin x

  • emcdonald replied to the topic Funny Names in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 4 months ago

    Went to primary school with a guy named Wayne…. King!

    yep he’s now a proud employee of hastings deering I beleive…

    Cheers e x

  • emcdonald replied to the topic Young Investors in the forum No Subject 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Jarrod,

    I enjoyed your post[:D], best of luck with the business and future property ventures…

    Cheers, e x

  • emcdonald replied to the topic RENOS FULL TIME in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    hi djkm11,

    a link you might find worthwhile…


    e x

  • emcdonald replied to the topic RENOS FULL TIME in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi DJKM,

    sounds like you need to write out some goals with your dad and then work out the best way to acheive them.

    Is this viable?

    Renovating for a living is viable but how much you need to turn over in profit to put food on the table is something you need to sit down and work out.

    Will it work?

    The age old (and overused) quote, failing to…[Read more]

  • emcdonald replied to the topic Just one tip… in the forum No Subject 19 years, 4 months ago

    Set goals and follow them, don’t let negative and narrow minded people sway you.

    If it was up to my parents (love them as i do) I’d still be at uni with a massive hex debt and not on the path to financial independance.

    E x

  • emcdonald replied to the topic Young Investors in the forum No Subject 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi I’m 20 turning 21 this Dec (bring on the party!),

    I finished school and went straight into uni (Biomedical Science) hated living on two minute noodles so decided to get a job.

    Had no qualifications (was lucky enough to have not had to work through year 11 and 12) so took a job with Optus selling door to door. Had a knack for it and saved $15k…[Read more]

  • emcdonald replied to the topic Dodgy Real estate agent in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Sounds like common enough REA practise to me, were you aware at the time of your offer that there was another party likely to submit one also???

  • emcdonald replied to the topic How to research the market in the forum No Subject 19 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Nikhil,
    my two cents….introduce yourself to some people in the RE business who have access to systems like RP data (qld).From these sites you can access past sales in an area with specific indicators such as price, land size, type of property etc.
    Speak to REA’s you’ll soon work out who’s worth working with, they’ll may pass on details of…[Read more]

  • emcdonald replied to the topic How to research the market in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Nikhil,
    my two cents….introduce yourself to some people in the RE business who have access to systems like RP data (qld).From these sites you can access past sales in an area with specific indicators such as price, land size, type of property etc.
    Speak to REA’s you’ll soon work out who’s worth working with, they’ll may pass on details of…[Read more]

  • emcdonald replied to the topic Bulldogs to Repeat in 2005! in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago

    Originally posted by JetDollars:

    I must admitted that the doggies did not do well in the last 3 rounds.

    speaking of not doing well, shame shame shame brisbane! i am thinking of switching over to the afl after that dismal effort *shakes head sadly*

    e x

  • emcdonald replied to the topic What do you tell an RE Agent? in the forum General Property 19 years, 8 months ago

    Originally posted by landt64:
    along the same lines, what do you say when an RE asks what you want to spend?

    “we’re currently sorting out our finances and haven’t got an exact figure”

    “it depends on the property”

    “what sort of prices are owners getting for x bedroom, x bathroom houses?”

    “what do you think i need to spend to purchase an x…[Read more]

  • emcdonald replied to the topic What Pet? What Name? in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago

    Originally posted by komari:
    He he, lets see who knows their canines…
    I have a pure bred tricolour BASENJI called Zac (he came with the name already attached – not really fond of it myself but he seems to like it). I have previously had 3 red and white girls over a period of nearly 30 years.

    So, how many said – what’s a Basenji??? Be truthful…[Read more]

  • emcdonald replied to the topic What Pet? What Name? in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago

    mini dachshund – Dashfiegle or Dashy

  • emcdonald replied to the topic ~~Riddle~~01 in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago

    Originally posted by oshen:
    did she live in a lighthouse?

    she did [thumbsupanim]

  • emcdonald replied to the topic ~~Riddle~~01 in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago

    Riddle no.10

    A woman finished work for the night, had a shower, got changed and went out to a party. As she left she made sure she locked up and turned off the lights. The next morning she read that hundreds of people had been killed and she knew it was her fault. Why?

  • emcdonald replied to the topic ~~Riddle~~01 in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago

    is my answer for the door one right?
    he was in an airlock on a spaceship with no space suit


    he was in an airlock in a submarine with no diving gear

  • emcdonald replied to the topic Need to sell before buying in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Richcog,

    In the current market (a much slower one) we have found vendors to more likely to consider a contract with a ‘subject to sale clause’. To protect the vendor we would also insert a sunset clause. This basically means if another buyer comes along with an offer at the right money, the original buyers have 24 hours in which to make their…[Read more]

  • emcdonald replied to the topic Town House in Stones Corner in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago

    Hi francisw,

    you mean the stones corner in south brisbane? I work in inner south brisbane, what would you like to know?

    e x

  • emcdonald replied to the topic ~~Riddle~~01 in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago

    ‘A man opened a door and new he was gonna die’


    he was in an airlock on a spaceship with no space suit


    he was in an airlock in a submarine with no diving gear

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