I bought properties within the last twelve months, ranging from 135-151, all are now able to be placed for quick sale on the market (recent appraisals) for over 210k, that was a min increase in 6 months of 60
However, I consider timing was the key, and not good planning. Luck? well whatever it was, I was happy and tenants are good in some, one…[Read more]
I have recently used AAMI, and I get a good discount because of good rating and multiple policies, but I also suggest you shop around.
My Policy covers tenants and damage and rental loss, some might include tenant relocation (after all it might not be a tenants fault if a house burns down and they find themselves without a home)
I have been off for a day or two and my mail box is brimming….
Someone ages ago mentioned retirees….well frankly, I would be asking why would someone want to move there to retire, what facilities are there, what is the growth prospects and I dont mean aged!
While there are self funded retirees out there, and I aim to be one, those on a…[Read more]
You can get information from I think it is residex, but you have to pay.
The prices in Logan have increased dramatically, properties are now over 210k and increasing, Daisy Hill is not far from these, but why dont you seek info out from a real estate agent?
Just to give you an idea. Don’t commit and be careful about exactly what you want to say,…[Read more]
I do have a property manager and they are truly up to the eye balls with this tenant. They told me they will be happy when they go.
Like someone said, if they go.They told the real estate they will be moving. I do have insurance, but I am not about to be a mug for tenants of this nature, but happy to go out of my…[Read more]
I rent two properties to my family, all at market rents, where they would not have been able to get rental accom. By doing this, I provide them with a rental agreement, a lease, no bond, and a property report. The money is banked directly into a bank account so there is always proof and records.
For those on benefits, centrelink require a…[Read more]
Missed payments are a problem, but usually can be explained, but this will depend on who you are dealing with.
Did you catch up payments? was it long overdue? Was it a lapse in your thinking, or shortage of money? I dont need an answer, but I do know that when I explained my late payment it was accepted.
And yes, they asked for this at the start of the lease, and when I was buying the place, you know- ask the tenant problems with a house and they are quick to tell you, (especially if they think they might get you on side[])
I wont regret the purchase, or their moving. Thanks for the reply
Personally, I think meeting up and sharing ideas is a great one, but looking at towns over a short period of time, in groups, is like being herded- and lets face it, surely we aren’t sheep?
There is no such thing as free anything, there is always a catch, in this case, I think inflated property prices that you would well do with going it alone…[Read more]