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  • ellnbgn replied to the topic Posts in the Overseas Deals Forum in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years, 7 months ago

    Does a foreign national need to put down a higher cash percentage to get a mortgage in New Zealand?
    Are there special restrictions on foreign nationals buying property in NZ, in general, for example, after reselling the property.


  • ellnbgn replied to the topic Posts in the Overseas Deals Forum in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years, 8 months ago

    some bird dogs better than others!

    I have offered a few thousand dollars to a local in an area that interests me, if he brought me something that I landed up buying. Since he lives in the area, he is “undercover”, so to speak, and I have been getting apprised of opportunities that are not on the public market. This is working for me, in…[Read more]

  • ellnbgn replied to the topic Flipping: US vs Australia in the forum No Subject 18 years, 8 months ago

    [puke] there is a new coming wave of mortgage defaults in the US, as property market here has devalued about 15% in past 6 months, rates are rising, and most buyers in past 18 motnhs have bought with low introductory rate adjustables. Perfect storm coming, cash is king. some of the investors I know are waiting for the bottom to fall out before…[Read more]


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