EllaB replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago
West Ryde area Sydney – Formally Auckland (New Market)
Challange the Norm
EllaB replied to the topic Unmotivated Partner in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
It can be difficult sometimes when a partner has issues. My husbands family lost the lot when he was a teenager and were removed from the family home.
It took me almost two years to get him to buy a place so we could move out of the parents !
I agree – the main factor is fear.
Not only of the debt but also not understanding. Hubby isn’t a…[Read more]
EllaB replied to the topic Effect of PO loans in the forum Finance 20 years ago
Fantastic !!! – Whats the catch ?? As steve would say…
If it sound to good to be true …..
Challange the Norm
EllaB replied to the topic Low and No Down Deals in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
hi Junkers,
How did you go with the banks/lenders and your mum’s place. i want to do the same with my folks. Mum is really into the idea, but dad’s a bit funny about it (too far from the “normal” way of doing things). He keeps going on about how investment property interest is tax deductable – but if he vendor finance someone it wont be.What was…[Read more]