Hello nina10I can't understand why it's taken 4 years to get any results settling your fathers estate and why, after all this time, you still don't know what the estate is made up of. Surely you should by now know all your fathers assets. It may be worth while going to speak to another solicitor. Between the five of you the cost should be…[Read more]
clovies wrote:
Alternativly shoudl I ask the tennat direct if they want to buy the house, as I'm prepared to sell. Has anyone had experience with this and did you go through the agent or direct to the tennant
Hello CloviesNow I'm a bit confused. My answer was to the part quoted here. If you have a potential buyer why would you go through the a…[Read more]
Hello clovieIf you are looking to sell the house to your tenants why on earth would you go through your property manager and pay commission. CheersElka
Mortgage Hunter wrote:
You can even get capital protected 100% loans to buy shares. At the end of the period if the shares are worth less you can just give them to the lender and walk away.
I just can't help myself Simon. I have to ask.What sort of interest rate are we talking about for such a loan.Just curious at this point.Elka
Congratulations Xenia to you and Angelo on the new addition to your family. Really nice to see that people are responding to the government suggestion to have one for Australia. Best wishesElka
Excuse my ignorance as it's a long time since I did any hands on renovations. Does the turps work as a drier for the linseed oil. Is that it's intention? I used to use 10% Terebin (I don't know if this is how it's spelt) which is/was a paint drier for this and it was great . I used to paint 1 or 2 coats on woodwork which I had stripped of all pai…[Read more]
Hello GoldCoastGirlThank you for posting the results. I'm happy that you can now leave all the stress behind.I'm glad neither of us owns that unit if it takes so long to rent each time. Good luckElka
Hello peleAlthough this site is basically for people interested in CF+ IP's I have always bought negatively geared property with good capital growth potential and have not been disappointed to date. The problem is being able to support the expense until rents and growing equity catches up.The solution to speed up this process is to see if…[Read more]
Hello chilliaaIn Victoria the SRO uses the last council valuation (site value ) as the bases for the land tax calculations. This is the unimproved capital value of your property i.e land value.How much land tax they charge will depends on whether you hold all your IP's under your own name or whether your IP's are held in one trust or spread over…[Read more]
Hello ourpropertyIt's certainly not a market that I would get into. When I first came here to live my thought was that you needed a permit or certificate for everything here, including breathing. A real shock after Australia. Not a market for the unwary or uneducated in the local laws and conditions. Lots of DD required.CheersElka
Hello ourpropertyBefore you consider buying an IP in the Netherlands I suggest you look into the landlord / tenants laws there. They are very very biased towards the tenant. The only safe way to rent out a residential property there is to a company or by the room to students as it's practically impossible to get a tenant out. CheersElka
Hello LyndonThe best thing for you to do is go to a good accountant who will be able to tell you the pros and cons of each structure.As a non accountant I have two comments to your post.Never put your business and your investment properties into the one entity. Why risk being sued for something in your business and lose your investment p…[Read more]
Hello NucopiaDo you have a good accountant who can explain it all to you because there are a couple of things in your posts which show that you may not understand the structure your IP's are in and how it all works. You are in Australia I assume? There is no system in Australia whereby you can defer paying CGT by buying another investment p…[Read more]
Hello NucopiaYou've got quite a few things mixed up here. Keep in mind that I am not an accountant. In a trust/company structure the trust owns the IP not the company. The company is the trustee of the trust. The 50% discount you get if you've had the IP for longer than 12 months is not on the tax rate but on the amount of the gain that will be t…[Read more]
raddles wrote:
. Rental will attract the 15% tax on income – capital gains are at 10% if you sell – I really think you need to get some informed advice
This is true in the accumulation phase but not in the pension phase. There is no tax to pay in the pension phase. However I agree you need to get some informed advise. Do you have a good a…[Read more]
Hello NucopiaThe capital gain you make on a property is just added to the rest of your taxable income for that year and taxed at your top marginal tax rate. If you have had the property for more than 12 months you get a 50% discount on the gain.Naturally if you have no other income for the year that you sell the property the tax will be lower.If t…[Read more]
Bez wrote:
Do I put as much money as I can spare into paying this one off or do I start saving for the next one ?…
Hello BezAssuming you have no non tax deductible debt which you should pay off first what I would do would be to have an offset account against this loan and put everything I earn into it. This gives you the best of both…[Read more]
Hello NucopiaThere is no CGT on your PPOR. It's not a question of deferring it. It is just not applicable. The post above refers to investment properties on which unfortunately you do have to pay CGT on selling…. assuming you made a gain. CheersElka
Hello Misty1Use the search function to search for hutch then click on his name on the top of any of his posts. You will get a drop down list. Click on view public profile and then on contact and you will be able to email him. There may be a quicker way but this is the only way I know.Hope this helpsElka