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  • eljaycee replied to the topic How far off am I in the forum Finance 20 years, 1 month ago

    What about the other way?
    Renting my place out for 240p/w with roughly 65k equity and buying another place to live in for about 180K?

    Sorry for being a pain. But I really don’t want to have to sell my place or rent in a new town if I do move.

    If you could email the other info to me, that would be great.
    Thanks for all you help

  • eljaycee replied to the topic How far off am I in the forum Finance 20 years, 1 month ago

    And I thought I had included everything someone would want to know LOL

    Single, no dependants.

    I was either looking at purchasing a property for rental with purchase price around $180K with a rental around the 180 p/w mark.

    Or renting this place out for rental of 240p/w and buying else where (to live in) for the same above price of…[Read more]

  • eljaycee replied to the topic Where do I start? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have a secure job, but I guess I just have the urge to go to somewhere warmer. When I had orginally thought of doing this, my aim was to ease the monthly burden by selling this place, using the equity on a cheaper home to reduce the monthly payments. But of course since then my brain has been working over time and in the…[Read more]


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