ediot123 replied to the topic ACT Stamp Duty Exemption – Investment Unit in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Thank you Terry.
I don’t remember claiming this when I first purchased the property. Do you know where or how I am able to try and claim this back and amend my tax return if possible?
ediot123 started the topic ACT Stamp Duty Exemption – Investment Unit in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Hello Guys,
I purchased my first IP back in 2011 which is a unit located in Canberra. I paid approx $5000 in stamp duty at the time.
Needing some help/advice from anyone that knows about investments in ACT and whether I should be claiming the stamp duty back during tax time. Also would like to know more about the leasing details.
I visited my…[Read more]
ediot123 replied to the topic Purchasing property from Department of Housing in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Thanks for your reply guys. What wouod be the best way to get in contact with the right person to show some interest in the property. Is there an email or number to call for nsw?
ediot123 started the topic Purchasing property from Department of Housing in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Has anyone had any experience with purchasing a property owned by the department of housing?
A property has become vacant and I am interested to know whether a property that was leased out by the department of housing can be sold off to a private buyer.
I am keen to find out how easy or difficukt it is to buy from the department of housing and…[Read more]
ediot123 started the topic Purchasing property from Department of Housing in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Has anyone had any experience with purchasing a property owned by the department of housing?
A property has become vacant and I am interested to know whether a property that was leased out by the department of housing can be sold off to a private buyer.
I am keen to find out how easy or difficukt it is to buy from the department of housing and…[Read more]
ediot123 started the topic Selling under co ownership to other partner in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago
Hi guys,
Just interested to know how to calculate a “buy out” amount if planning to sell my share of an investment property to the other party if ownership is 50/50 and what things to consider and look out for regarding legal, cgt etc.
Any info would be appreciated.
ediot123 replied to the topic Family/Equity guarantor loans – extended family member in the forum Finance 10 years ago
I think they are with westpac. Im not 100% sure id have to double check. Would it be westpac by any chance that would allow this?
ediot123 started the topic Family/Equity guarantor loans – extended family member in the forum Finance 10 years ago
Hi guys,
Just wondering how difficult it is to get approval for a home loan with having an extended family member (uncle and auntie) being guarantor for your loan. Being equity guarantors only and not for servicability.
I know some banks would assess this on a case by case basis so lets assume everything else is in good order ie. Borrowers…[Read more]
ediot123 replied to the topic Using credit card to reduce interest repayments in an offset in the forum Creative Investing 11 years ago
Thank you for the reply guys. Very interesting.
The dark knight- how are you managing to do this without incurring fees onyour cc? Are u transferring the $$ to your offset using the eftpos machine?
Would love to know that this works lolediot123 replied to the topic *Help needed ASAP* Deposit left as “Expression of Interest” on a property in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Thank you JacM, a lesson (expensive one) well learnt today.
ediot123 replied to the topic *Help needed ASAP* Deposit left as “Expression of Interest” on a property in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
My partner has signed what I thought to be just a purchase offer. However I'm afraid it may be the actual contract.
Is a purchase offer, same as signing a contract? – Does this mean this contract is now binding?
ediot123 replied to the topic *Help needed ASAP* Deposit left as “Expression of Interest” on a property in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Did you seek legal help or terminated the contract with a written letter on your own?
ediot123 replied to the topic *Help needed ASAP* Deposit left as “Expression of Interest” on a property in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Same thing happened with us. The REA told us to show that we were serious buyers. How did you get out of the contract?
ediot123 replied to the topic *Help needed ASAP* Deposit left as “Expression of Interest” on a property in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
The seller has accepted our offer. How do we withdraw without losing our deposit
ediot123 replied to the topic Working in Real Estate – Management Programs in the forum Thanks so much for the info 13 years ago
Thanks so much for the info IP Freely. Your info has certainly given me a clearer understanding of what to expect.
If you dont mind me asking you what suggestions/advice could you give to taking up either the “agency” training or going through REI to get started in real estate.
Or what other options are available?
Thanks for your time
ediot123 replied to the topic Working in Real Estate – Management Programs in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Thank you for your input on this V8ghia. It does sound very interesting and I am thinking of applying for one of these training courses. I am very keen to get started in the property industry and I think this would be a great opportunity.
If anyone has any more details or input into these training courses please feel free to share. Would love to…[Read more]
ediot123 replied to the topic Working in Real Estate – Management Programs in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Sorry for the confusion guys.
I was actually referring to the real estate sales programs. See link below.
http://realestatejobsearch.com.au/careers.php?work=SalesIs anyone able to provide some more info into what is involved and what is expected if you were to be selected.
Also any personal opinions welcomed.
ediot123 replied to the topic Residex Top 100 Suburb Report for Sydney Latest Release in the forum General Property 15 years ago
Anyone have the most recent report?Would love a copyAlso would like to know what other subscription services do people use and can recommend?
ediot123 replied to the topic CGT on IP if you are not working in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks guys. Makes alot more sense now.For some reason I've always thought that any capital gains will be taxed at your current tax rate. So If you are currently taxed at 30% for your salary, then this capital gains will only be calculated at 30% and not added together with your salary and any other income you earn.Sorry for the confusion and…[Read more]
ediot123 replied to the topic Asking about Family Trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Terryw wrote:
There is nothing really out there like that. You will need to see a solicitor and/or accountant to see what would work for you.try trustmagic.com.au for some infotaxlawyer.com.auOr you can buy the expensive http://www.taxinstitute.com.au/publications/new-trust-structures-guide-2010Thanks Terry
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