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  • eddieleckie30201 replied to the topic Steve & Dave split in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago

    Just logged on to have a quick squiz and low and behold, Steve and Dave are parting company.
    I must say I was a bit suprised. I thought you guys seemed like you were glued to the hip, so to speak. Good luck for the future guys!
    Business partnerships are hard to maintain over a long period of time. But the most important thing is that your…[Read more]

  • eddieleckie30201 replied to the topic Invest or wait? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago


    Thought I would add my 5c worth. Finding positive geared props in Perth is difficult, but it depends how you look at it.
    I remember a little while ago that when Steve was last in Perth he told everyone there that the ’11 sec solution’ is only a guide and that you generally don’t buy them positive, YOU MAKE THEM POSITIVE!
    How true is…[Read more]

  • eddieleckie30201 replied to the topic to buy family home or investment property in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 8 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    I saw your question on the forum and thought I would throw in my five cents worth. It is funny we were just talking about this same topic today and thought we could shed some light on a strategy that has been very successful for us and will give you some food for thought as they say.

    A way that we have found to help us not only…[Read more]


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