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  • devo76 replied to the topic WARNING: Investors with property in mining areas… in the forum General Property 15 years, 11 months ago

    I agree about the bubble. But ithink there is no way we could ever stop a boom or bubble from happening. The boom/bust cycle just keeps on happening over and over. I think its human nature that plays a big part. The sheep in us just start following and the end result is the massive swings that form cycles. And im sure the boys at the top want it…[Read more]

  • HotRod replied to the topic Oh the Pain! in the forum General Property 20 years, 5 months ago

    Hey Kay

    Still keen on CF+ and they are getting difficult to find (quality ones that is) but I’m sure that they’re there. Been wanting to get into LO’s/wraps seriously as these seem like the way to go in any market, your game your rules. B&H’s with higher yields are getting few and far between except where you want to start accepting dodgy…[Read more]


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