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  • EasyWizard replied to the topic finance direction in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    i meant 55 k spare 130-75=55.cheers

  • EasyWizard replied to the topic finance direction in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    gday steve
    looks like ill just squeeze into a doc LOC with ANZ or NAB at about 6.5 20%LVR putting down 50k plus closings plus 15 reno costs totalling around 75k (leaving 65k spare)

    one month later well show the receipts and revalue from 257k to perhaps 300k(say).

    does this mean I could add 33k to my bottom line on my LOC, totalling 65k + 33k.…[Read more]

  • EasyWizard replied to the topic 11 second soln in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    Great stuff,
    If it really is just that easy Im sorted.Thanks. I thought it was but when I read something in the COCR page on the site it threw me a curveball – and I thought I was missing something.

    I suppose the assumption is that one day we will eventually own the property outright, so we use the total price and ROI rather than COCR to make an…[Read more]


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