eag replied to the topic battle axe blocks. in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
I’ve recently done a bit of work into this kind of block. A couple of agents told me they don’t go for as much as a block with frontage – if you talk to about 5 agents, they will begin to shape your views on what you could/should expect to pay for such a block.
eag replied to the topic Yesterday’s Sydney’s Masterclass in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Eliz,
I took from what Steve said, that the best time to sell property is when:
a) it reaches the point at which you’ve decided to sell! By that I think he meant that if you think that the market is going to trend sideways for a while (as lots of people do), and you have made a tidy profit, you might consider selling. An investor doesn’t…[Read more]
eag replied to the topic Subdivision CGT on Profits in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago
Thanks for this! I’m sure the guide will help. I note that indeed there is a chapter on subdivision, so I’ve got some reading for this weekend.
eag replied to the topic Advice: Selling subdivided prop – block only in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Thanks so much for your feedback. Your tips about asking agents what blocks have recently sold for, and being possibly being prepared to accept a slightly lower price will help me get an outcome. Sometimes I succumb to fear that it might all go pear shaped – and I’m determined not to let that happen. Your suggestions have been practical and…[Read more]