Total Members: 159,740


  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Dynamic Duo’s good little earner in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    Hello Bear

    We have been members of this forum since 2001. We read topics when we can.

    We spend approximately 12hrs daily surfing for deals.
    We do reply when we can.

    We have become mentors to people who have enquired with us at steves seminars last year.

    So beside our own surfing deals, our businesses our 3 children under 5 yrs old and the…[Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Dynamic Duo’s good little earner in the forum No Subject 21 years ago


    We have only just found out about this discussion so we thought we would reply since we are the ones being discussed.

    The administration fee was not suggested by Steve as maybe some have assumed.

    Of all the 55 or so people that replied to us, only 3 people paid the $25 admin fee.

    So of the $75.00, this has being sent to the organisation…[Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Mentoring in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    [:)][:D]G’day All
    Although I haven’t posted for some time I’ve never the less been a frequent reader and found this topic of particular interest.

    A group of like minded people is imperitive to the success of any given pursuit and a mentor can empower one to fast track the same success.

    Both of my mentors have mentors of their own whom have mentors…[Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Living The Dream ?!?! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Buying sight unseen in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi entelechy,
    On a recent trip to inspect properties we had SOURCED on the net,one that we were interestd in became ‘under contract’ from another investor ‘sight unseen’ and was an absolute ‘lemon’ compared to a dozen other properties in similar price we viewed that day.We went on to purchase 4 of the ones we saw and wouldn’thave touched the lemon…[Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Seeking mentor/s and like minds in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    after all the reading you’ve done surely you can see that you’ve been in the presence of like minded people? As i’ve mentioned in replies to similar posts “educate,learn,educate’ do your figures, figures ,figures and as a wise man once said to me ” jump off the cliff!”
    Your confidence will tell you when to act.
    I’ve studied property…[Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic We’re On Our Way in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Getting a loan for a trust is easy. What went wrong? Most banks will do them, some low doc lenders won’t (eg ING and Suncorp), but if you have individual trustees, you loans could be in the individual names instead of the trust. You must have a corporate trustee.

    Most importantly, I hope all of these applications don’t go on your CRAA! Did…

    [Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic The book.. it’s now available! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    G;day Steve
    We will see you at the book launch in Melbourne on the 15th, so we’ll be able to purchase a book and have you sign on the night. Just downloaded your interview from Today Tonight of their website we do not get the program in Nambucca Heads. The interview is precise and enthusiastic. Job well done, you are a marvel.
    Dynamic Duo[^]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic is the market going to burst? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Marcell,
    There will always be educated ‘chicken littles’ (‘the sky is falling,the sky is falling”)in all forms of investing.A sophisticated or astute investor will prosper in a ‘bull market’ or a bear market’.It all revolves around education.

    50 stack is a terrific leg up,so invest in your education and your confidence will tell you when it is…[Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Vendor Renigs On Contract Conditions in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Gday Neal
    We have recently exchanged on 4 other properties-all of which were agreeable to the identical terms & conditions mentioned in our original post including $500 down.I would not at all be surprised if the property in question is the same one,after all it is only a small island we inhabit.You are welcome to contact us at

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Vendor Renigs On Contract Conditions in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Elysiam & Westan,
    thank you for your replies.I don’t think I was clear that we had not yet exchanged but are trying.The vendor agreed to all the conditions at the time of our written offer and now that we are trying to exchange has reneged on all.

    3 weeks has lapsed since initial offer due to slow turn arounds with snail mail and the servant in…[Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Raise your borrowing capacity in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Wild nothing,Only $190K lend you say?Why not further your search for both lenders and property.$190k would secure you a whole lot of cashflow +ve property where I’ve recently purchased.Good luck

    “a true warrior sees misfortune as challenge-not as a curse.”

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic PURCHASING DILEMMA in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Tiff,

    What are the deals? Have you already exchanged?
    I am sure there might be some people interested in your deals. You might be able to transfer the contracts to someone else that would be interested in them.
    A lot of people don’t have the time to look. You already have one or two that would be good for them.
    Let us know how the…

    [Read more]

  • quote:
    Well done Red Card, my business partner and I attended the Masters also and we have spent hours on-line looking looking looking!!!! Are on the verge of submitting offers on two properties, one in Qld one in NSW. Pretty exciting for newbies like us,I just need to learn how to put my mind to sleep at night and have a good night’s sleep.…

    [Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic The Negotiating Tenant (Watch Out!) in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Micheal & Kaye, great tips,great reality check.We’ve been so consumed with the ‘deal’ side of things we almost forgot about the dark side.There’s no substitute for experience.I also appologise for the mess I left that was to be your reply to ‘ICE BREAKER’.My computer litteracy is similar to my financial litteracy…..improving.

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Ice Breaker in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Brett. Curious to know about the vendor turning long-term tenant. Was this part of the vendor’s condition, or was it just mentioned in passing?

    Also, did you have the lease signed at settlement, or are you about to do this?

    Any special considertation for a vendor-become-tenant deal? Kaye and I are interested in this type of…

    [Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Ice Breaker in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hey Brett,

    Well done that’s a fantastic achievement to get the ball rolling so to speak.

    Are you talking about the mid north coast of NSW?


    That’s correct Nick,God’s country!

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Ice Breaker in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hey Brett,

    Well done that’s a fantastic achievement to get the ball rolling so to speak.

    Are you talking about the mid north coast of NSW?


  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Coffs Harbour NSW in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Little mermmaid,Nambucca has seen 46% growth since december last year with aprox. 7 families a week moving to the valley,so I’d imagine Coffs to be pretty similar.With 49% of Coffs Harbour’s pop.earning under $27K and paying rent(demographics from shire) opportunities may very well present themselves,as there are still plenty of listings compared…[Read more]

  • dynamicduo replied to the topic Itchy & Scratchy in the forum No Subject 22 years ago


    Ouch..I’m itching just thinking about it! [:P

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