Dylan33 replied to the topic Building for 100k? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
I cant help you with the legal side but I did make an offer on a duplex this week in the hunter valley NSW. I thought they were such an easy clever design that I am now thinking about buying a block of land and building the same thing myself.
It looks to me like they were 2x 2 bedroom granny flat type units, mirror image, side by side with a…[Read more]Dylan33 replied to the topic Partnerships in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks for the advise. Looks like I wont be going any further with it then. back to the drawing board.
Dylan33 replied to the topic Depreciation Report for 60 yr old house? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Maree-bradros What sorts of things qualified? I have an old house and didn’t think it would be worth it.
Dylan33 replied to the topic LOC Question. in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Agh! I got the eebee geebees and pulled the cash out anyway. Peace of mind!!
Dylan33 replied to the topic Too easy??? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks Shahabra. It’s Cameron park.
Dylan33 replied to the topic deferred payments in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Unfortunately I didn't get that far. The contract was signed by the competition before I could get finance confirmed. They issued a 66w so I didn't want to risk it before I got finance aproved. But when I find another property i'll still be wanting to get in there before the tennants. Has anyone done it this way??
Dylan33 replied to the topic Equity Rich But Cash Poor in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
I don't understand? So how do I qualify for a 450k new home which costs me $80 a week. I too have lots of equity and a salary of over $70k I had no problem. Why don't they use your home as security? Why don't you give a financ broker a go?
Dylan33 replied to the topic Deposit in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks everyone. I've been ofered a product from my finance broker where my ppor is seperate from my other 2 loans. The other 2 loans being my new ip and my original ip ( These 2 are combined ) Is this still cross colatterising? Should I have 3 seperate loans or is this exceptable?