dvs1962dvs replied to the topic Garden Sleepers in the forum General Property 17 years ago
Not if they're old and rotting out as you say. Could be a haven for white ants too.
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic First meeting of “Renovators Who Are Not Tradies Anonymous” in the forum Value Adding 17 years ago
I'm in.15. Put an electric drill through a hot water pipe AND an electrical wire.16. Moved the car in the driveway in order to move some timber and saw the car pick up pace down the sloping driveway while I could only stand and watch. The tree across the road stopped the car which was fortunate as the next stop was the living room of the hou…[Read more]
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic Buyers Agent -taking too long to source for property…. in the forum General Property 17 years ago
I had a similar issue with my buyers agent. I kept suggesting properties and he kept giving me reasons why they were no good. I got so frustrated that I eventually just bought one that fit my criteria. I then informed him that he could stop looking (and asked him for his bill) and he was mightily p**ssed off! I paid his bill straight away…[Read more]
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic who do you use 4 landlord’s insurance in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
$234.00 in Adelaide. Not sure if the state makes any difference.David
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic who do you use 4 landlord’s insurance in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Not sure as I haven't had to make a claim yet (touch wood).
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic who do you use 4 landlord’s insurance in the forum Terri Scheer for my 2 IP. 18 years ago
Terri Scheer for my 2 IP.
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic Getting the ball rolling on a purchse in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Sorry dammit, I don't have any experience except in the SA market where it's not done that way. I hope it works out ok..let us know.
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic GROWTH OF PORT PIRIE ,SA in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
I've also been keeping an eye of Pt Pirie, Pt Augusta etc. Reasonably close to Roxby Downs and the mines which are expanding, however, I'm not yet convinced. Still more research to do……
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic New to investing in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 18 years ago
Hi M Simon, check out the last couple of issues of API for a good article on Texas.DVS
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic kangaroo island??????????????? Seems cheap???????????? in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Hi JeeloB, I also started in SA and have 1 in Hallet Cove, 1 in Greenwith and am building one in Munno Para West. Am now looking for no. 4, maybe another in Southern Suburbs.
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic Murray Bridge-SA in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Sorry about the link. Hopefully this one works.http://www.murraybridge.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=220
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic Adelaide Southern Suburbs in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Thanks Mike, we bought in Hallett Cove and am considering purchasing another there in the next 12 mths but I’m also doing research into Sheidow Park and other suburbs. Weighing up the pros and cons of each. As far as +CF goes, I’m more interested in CG at this stage.
Thanks again, Dave
dvs1962dvs replied to the topic Investor’s Club in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago
Thanks Nicollete.