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  • dunnyboy replied to the topic Hi everyone… in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago

    “And have you heard of “copied success”? If your dad is a millionare and so successful, why not do as he does, and get the same result. In NLP this is called “modelling.””

    i could indeed follow in the footsteps of giants as the saying goes, or i could climb up onto the shoulders of giants… the view is much better :)

  • dunnyboy replied to the topic Hi everyone… in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago

    ” ummm he thinks its good in theory too. he has close to $1m in net equity in his property portfolio and he also knows im a good risk (he taught me half the stuff i know about property and shares) <— If this is true, why are you asking us for advice? Why not follow your dad’s advice?

    Good luck, for I can see your strategy is not something I…[Read more]

  • dunnyboy replied to the topic Hi everyone… in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago

    thankyou brady5 and redhaven for your comments. now with all the humility one can muster, i think i am better than most at saving, budgeting and the like. over the past 5 years i have saved for 2 overseas trips, bought a car, all while going thru uni and working part time, and my debt level as of now is zero. i feel that saving for a deposit on a…[Read more]

  • dunnyboy replied to the topic Hi everyone… in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 8 months ago

    ummm he thinks its good in theory too. he has close to $1m in net equity in his property portfolio and he also knows im a good risk (he taught me half the stuff i know about property and shares). he suggested buying in slowly into the sharemarket and the covered call strategy. i have written covereds before but not on the scale im looking at.

    he…[Read more]


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