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  • Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674

    I reckon you take town planner out to lunch !

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    I live in Vic and would move in a flash to QLd but my Wife was raised in Tassy and doesn’t cope well with heat and humidity.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    car parks might be $40,000 just thinking outside the square however risk profile is higher …

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    why use a telecommunications company when you might be able to get broadband from your electricity!!!!
    on trial in tasmania see
    I reckon you should ask your electricity supplier when they will adopt this technology that uses the power lines to transmit broadband data .
    In regards to writing to Helen Coonan you need to ask what Universal Service Obligations Telstra is required to meet in the provision of Broadband services to Australia and to New Suburbs.
    And what Telstra is required to provide if it cannot meet the obligation. I used to live in a small country town and Telstra expected me to wait two years to be able to access ADSL. I moved to the city and I now use another carrier due to no TAPS connection point.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    expenses like rates, insurance, water, maintenance..
    price paid, current value
    Would be good to calculate ROI
    ROI = rent minus expenses / value of prop * 100
    capital gain calc

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    Ask yourself would you want to live there. There is a house on a busy road near me and it has been demolished to put up three townhouses. So a corner block might be good if development is the aim as Yuppies do not have kiddies or a need for a backyard.
    What type of people rent in this area if it is Mums and Dads with kiddies they are not going to think it is safe for their kids. Yuppies or young no kids may not worry about this.
    Also it may be hard to resell the property in the future.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    It might be worth demanding TELSTRA installs broadband coverage to the new surburb via a PASO microwave radio link until they can run Cables into the suburb.
    I think Telstra could use a Satelite link connected to a 3G mobile base station to provide the suburb with wireless broadband or put up a microwave link.
    In one country town Darnum there is a radio link on a hill that the houses can connect to via a microwave dish for their broadband..

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    The new CEO pulled this sort of caper when he was in charge of a Telco in the USA . I have been motivated to provide the above information as Telstra in its wisdom decided as they were running broadband cable past the house I live in to neglect to put a TAPS connect point in. The Pit is directly in front of my front door.
    So I am using another provider and as soon as Telstra turns of CDMA I will switch my Mobile service over to the other provider as well.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    As the federal election is coming up about 12 months I reckon a letter written to the Federal minister of Communications being Helen Coonan would be in order. A probably a letter written to the local federal representative about the problem or lack of broadband would be a starting point. If the heat is needed to be increased ACA love these sort of Stories.. Another source would be to complain to

    The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) provides a free service to people who have been unable to resolve a complaint directly with their telecommunications service provider or a carrier. The TIO can be contacted at PO Box 276, Collins Street West, Melbourne VIC 8007, or on 1800 062 058, (03) 8600 8700 and 1800 675 692 for TTY. Further information is available on the TIO website at

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    from an accounting viewpoint as steve is an accountant
    Equity = Value of property minus debt owed
    Equity = original value plus increase in value minus debt
    Equity = $200,000 + 50,000 – 150,000
    Equity = $100,000
    This is also know as your financial position from accounting
    To a bank you have $100,000 to use to borrow more money
    Also if interest rates increase or you lose your job you are $50,000 ahead of your loan repayment schedule which gives you some breathing space…

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    I purchased a house in a commission area and would say that solid concrete houses are quite tenant proof. I had a house abandoned and vandals broke in so the front door needed repair and the excrement needed to be cleaned and a paint job was needed but the structure of solid concrete and iron roof struts makes the houses almost tentant damage proof. if you increase rent the battlers of the area cannot then afford your house

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    Steve’s third book comes out 17th of November called From 0 to 260m + properties in 7 years. Arrowsmith if you are not happy with stamp duty then let more feet do the walking.
    As a property investor you are not bound by geographic location like with PPOR so you can purchase property in other states. If enough people take their investments out of Victoria the state government will detect a crisis and stop ripping of Victorian investors, seeing that GST is meant to remove state taxes. I haven’t invested in another state yet but I have been considering it. This is also a good method of reducing state land taxes.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    Celeste, the economy is allowed to grow at a sustainable economic level of 2%- 3% if it gets higher than this the reserve bank withdraws money from the economy by buying bonds. This causes the interest rates to increase. People have borrowed money to buy a new car or a new pool or a new house extenstion by borrowing money from the increased equity of their houses. If interest rates rise people may be forced to sell because they cannot afford the interest payments. If people sell the prices of houses drops in value as supply increases. The banks may ask the home owners to now make up the short fall of the loan compared to the now lower value of their house. The frightening thing is that global growth affects our economy and also as money flows into Australia due to a higher interest rate our AUD /USD value becomes less making imports higher in price.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    I am using CGU

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
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    Hopefully you held the property for more than 12 months between the entering of Buying Contract date and the entering of sale contract date.
    If individual tax payer 50% discount applies on assets capital gain if held for more then 12 months.

    If you own property in joint names the gain is split 50% to you 50% to other joint owner . Then this is added to your taxable income. So with a 50% discount and a 50% joint ownership this works out to 25% capital gain added to taxable income.
    Holding costs like interest / borrowing costs/ council rates would be added to your cost base unless you have already claimed a tax deduction against income earned by property.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    I came across a new system called that provides wireless broadband for an initial outlay and then a monthly fee.
    This depends on “Wired” radio coverage where tenant lives.
    Telstra also provides wireless broadband that doesn’t require a cable into the house so long as you have Telstra radio coverage.
    The Wired system is really new and is available at Harvey Normans..
    And is cost comparable to cable…
    The advantage is you can move address and keep the wireless or use it down the street while sipping a coffee Latte.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    I think from memory I used an insurance broker
    Aon/REI in Camberwell

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    cgu insurance landlord insurance policy. I had the same problem and they were extremely helpful in this situation.

    You are probably feeling like you are in dire straits with your settlement date racing closer and the bank not issuing the money because the house isn’t insured !!!!
    If you are going through a real estate agent for the rental property management they may be able to refer you to an insurance agent.

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    I reckon it probably is the baby boomers retiring in the southern states that are moving north toa sunny climate. ABS figures may verify this. But you would have to pay for data checkout I saw a similiar thing happen in Warrnambool Victoria where there was no employment but houses were going up all over the town because of retired melbournians. Also it could be due to mining in the town as there is a global commodity boom happening at the moment you would need to find out what is the major employment / industry in the town. For the next five years baby boomers will be retiring !!

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    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
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    You pay tax when you put it in called contributions tax 15% , your earnings within the fund are taxed at 15% and when you take it out you used to pay tax of 15% unless put into an approved rollover pension plan. I say used to as it has changed recently on taking out the super.
    There was also a reasonable benefits limit that restricted how much money you could take out without being taxed. This is why I haven’t put any money of my own into super for the last 5 years. Also when you think you have a grasp on it a future governement will change the rules, tax , retirement age, ect. There was also an extra 15% contributions surcharge for higher income wage earners but this may have been removed.

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