dublin_101 replied to the topic Wanted: The Complete Renovation System in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 11 years ago
I’d appreciate a copy as well if possible. thanks in advance.
dublin_101 replied to the topic FHOG applicable to owner builder? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Qlds007 wrote:
Owner Builders are not the favourite clients of Lenders so you will be limited to around 75-80% Lvr.why is that? is that LVR inclusive of land value also?
i feel that there is a chance for me to save some cash with being an owner builder, therefore thats my reason. thanks.
dublin_101 replied to the topic lots of cash, no property or where to start in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
i'm a newbie too, but if i was single with your current specs, eg, 100K cash plus a very decent income, I'd be renting and looking at getting 2-3 properties.
dublin_101 replied to the topic Investment property with CGT over 10 years…confused. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
back on the subject of negative gearing…in my mind a little over-rated. i just discussed the idea with a few ppl doing it and the consensus was basically that you had to pretty much rort the system and 'increase' your expenses on the investment property in order to maximise your tax return. i wouldn't feel comfortable doing this. i'll keep…[Read more]
dublin_101 replied to the topic Regarding New FHOG in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
TheYoungInvestor wrote:
Thanks for that Tony BAppreciated Not buying anything anytime soon waiting for the prices to drop right down and more affordable then will snap up few bargains and investi've been trying to buy lately and been outbid 3 times lately. when they dropped the interest rates last week, i decided to stop looking for homes for…[Read more]
dublin_101 replied to the topic Investment property with CGT over 10 years…confused. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
elkam wrote:
Hello dublin_101In your calculations I think you may have forgotten to use the 50% discount to CGT because you've held the property for longer than 12 months. CheersElkathe way i calculated was:purchase price: 200Ksale price after 10 years: 300Kthat is 100K profit and I calculated the CGT at 25%. Therefore on the gross…[Read more]
dublin_101 replied to the topic Time to invest? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
i put in an offer (high 300Ks) on Monday and on Tuesday I was informed it missed out on the house.then later that afternoon the news came thru about the 1% drop in rates. No, I didn't do a knee-jerk reaction and think 'yeh, i can boorrrow more'. i went home and read a lot of comments on the net where many ppl were saying that we are braced for a…[Read more]
dublin_101 replied to the topic Average Sale Price by Suburb in the forum General Property 16 years ago
is there any way of getting this info online? thanks.