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  • drpinoy replied to the topic Starting from scratch! in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks guys!I know ive thought about those things somewhere along the lines but needed affirmation and steps to over come obsticles.Scamps ive read ur other posts and am hopeing that ur right. if what u say about the property market here in Aus is true than it buys me more time to get my act together and enter the market at a good time :DAny other…[Read more]

  • drpinoy replied to the topic Cashflow 101 game in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 6 months ago

    Hi all,Im new to the investing group also… New may actually be an understatement lol. In any case, ive played the game a few times but have now moved to Sydney from Adelaide. Its great and id love to get into a group that will play and learn together as they say 'two minds are greater than one'I live in the Parramatta area so im keen for weekly…[Read more]


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