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  • Dplayer33 replied to the topic the 11 second solution in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    That is because finding a CF positive property is difficult.Generally the rental return on a property is about 4-5%.The 11 second rule is looking for a return of about 8%

  • Dplayer33 replied to the topic Is it worth it??? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    I looked at these as well as the ones in Sippy downs.After everything you are looking at about 12k return on a 210k investment, which is about %5.5. (not including depreciation)Not bad but not amazing and there is no capital growth and they are hard to sell. I rang and spoke to the complex manager and he we very honest and straight down the line.…[Read more]

  • Dplayer33 replied to the topic Shafston University Mansions in the forum General Property 17 years ago

    I looked into several Student Accom units in Sippy Downs and a couple in Logan in Qld and could not get the figures to work.After things like Sinking Funds, council rates, and body corporate, I was looking at about a %5 return on a 200k unit.These were 4 bedroom units rented at ~135 a week each, so even with at gross rent of about 2K, it didn't…[Read more]

  • Dplayer33 replied to the topic Student Accomdation in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    I am looking into this also.I know that turning a residential house into student accom is better than actually buying these dedicated student lodgings due to the appreciation but these things go for about 200k.Since I can only stretch to about 250k, and I need something CF+ are there really any other realestate alternatives?
