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  • Doug replied to the topic positive CF in the forum No Subject 20 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Jet Dollars,

    Thankyou for that… my focus is on +ve cashflow so I’ll look for the ones that do that :-) I like the idea of +ve cashflow properties… many ways to make a $ in property but need free time & cash flowing :-)

    Kind regards,
    Doug :-)

  • Doug replied to the topic positive CF in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Kay Henry,

    Sorry to be slow to reply to your (very interesting) comments. Good point you make that repairs cost the same regardless of the rental of the property :-)

    I’d thought about getting 7%ers as you suggest but is it possible to build up a portfolio of properties to replace income? If interest rates are running at about 7% and property is…[Read more]

  • Doug replied to the topic positive CF in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago

    Hi JetDollars,

    Sorry for taking a while to reply. Thankyou very much for your thoughts on maintaining properties. Building up a maintenance team seems to be an important part of a larger property portfolio. The rule you have about properties being two hours from your home is interesting… I’ll keep that in mind, thankyou. I’ve done my share of…[Read more]

  • Doug replied to the topic positive CF in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Jet Dollars,

    The property you found sounds like a beauty and is inspiring… thankyou. Could I ask a question (to Jet Dollars or anyone else who has a thought)? I’m unsure how we manage the properties we find in various places. Example, if we have are building up a collection of properties and they need reqular maintenance – repaint, fence…[Read more]

  • Doug replied to the topic Pos Cash Flow in the forum General Property 20 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Ko_starr,

    I’m trying to think all this through too… I imagine the goal is to have the rent from the property cover all expenses (loan repayments + all outgoings + maintenance allowance?) and still leave a surplus. This would be ideal. If your property has a $10 shortfall it is very close and will indeed have a positive cashflow in time. I…[Read more]


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