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doubledown trent

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    SHales wrote:

    doubledown trent wrote:
    I'm just pointing to the scoreboard.

    Hope you like egg…..

    Currently at 3615, up for a 5th consecutive day, 3rd week in a row of gains. Have we seen the bottom? I wouldn't know, and I won't bore you all with a baseless prediction. I'm just pointing to the scoreboard. Here is the whole quote, not just a…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    ASX Currently trading at 3451.9Don't listen to the "experts" this is not the bottom, They where wrong in the past, and they are wrong now…Take this opportunity to get out of the market while you can,  It may be your last chance,  No one knows how many more rally's we will have in this bull market,  And the fundamentals ar…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    SHales wrote:
    It is good for us all to have our thoughts and opinions challenged, debate refines our thinking, and often adds to our education.  Most of us have a fairly elastic approach to learning which allows us to take on information from other sources which meet  our personal criteria so far as credibility is concerned, while rejecting i…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    SHales wrote:

    doubledown trent wrote:

    WJ Hooker wrote:
    dan1114,                 Its a forum, we are here to give our optinions and try to help others. If we are correct then that's great, if we are wrong , then you can tell us about it, hbbehrendoff must be congradulated for making a brave call, he maybe wrong, but that's fine. At least…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    hbbehrendorff wrote:"I don't think the property markets will suddenly drop down 40%+ next year,  But overall if there's less then a 10% drop in 2009 then I will be very surprised.  A few years of -10% adds up very quickly."mmmhmmm ? Now lucky I can remember t…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    WJ Hooker wrote:
    dan1114,                 Its a forum, we are here to give our optinions and try to help others. If we are correct then that's great, if we are wrong , then you can tell us about it, hbbehrendoff must be congradulated for making a brave call, he maybe wrong, but that's fine. At least he is giving reasons for his call, he may sa…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    I got my Crystal Ball from a packet of Kellogs corn flakes,  So far my crystal ball has out predicted the ones the experts have.Also,  If people listened to me over a year ago,  There super would be up 30%,  Not down 50% in the stock market.I also said property would fall at least 10% last year,  While the experts said it w…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    From the RBA website, "Inflation is a measure of the change (increase) in the general level of prices." I agree it's not caused by rising prices, but it's the measure of rising prices. The influx of $52b, taken on it's own would be inflationary, but this ignores all the other factors at play in the economy at the moment. The tightening of credit,…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum I just can’t see hyper 16 years ago

    I just can't see hyper inflation happening in Australia. Of course, that must mean I'm an idiot. I couldn't possibly have a different opinion than you and be a sane rational human being.  By the definition you linked to, hyperinflation is a "cumulative inflation rate over 3 years of 100%". The current inflation rate is less than 3%, and dropping.…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic Is property the real answer? in the forum I absolutely agree that the 16 years ago

    I absolutely agree that the troops on the front lines need the best gear. My issue is with the big ticket stuff, like planes and submarines. Do we really need these at the moment? Didn't Brendon Nelson (as Defence Minister) by a heap of planes a few years ago? The problem with conscription is it lumps all young people in the same basket. I know…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic Is property the real answer? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    Here's my two cents, for what it';s worth.1. Totally agree with scrapping state governments. We are over regulated, and to remove a layer of government would be a great idea, saving money and freeing people from red tape. 2. Cut a raft of state govt taxes, such as all stamp duties, payroll tax, etc. 2. As Shales said, tax the family as a group. 3…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic Is Rudd doing the right thing? in the forum hbbehrendorff wrote:I’m 16 years ago

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    I'm sorry that my quickly blotted out 1000 word thesis on very broad economic fundamentals contained some bad grammar,  Obliviously I have been caught out for the fraud I am and no longer have any credibility Because the truth is I failed every grade past the 7th and didn't even complete year 11,  Also English and Art w…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic World economy ‘depressed beyond 2011’ in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    From The Age The number of new homes built in Victoria is expected to rise next year, reflecting the lower interest rates and the effect of two Federal Government stimulus packages on the industry, a report said today.The construction of new homes in the State is expected to jump 9% in 2009-10 to a total of 41,863 from 38,263 forecasted for…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic Is Rudd doing the right thing? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    I also need to very quickly address the few comments made for stimulus,  Money borrowed in the private sector is totally different to money borrowed by government,  The difference is that in the private sector the borrower takes the risks of failure and therefore will be sold up to repay his debts shall something go w…[Read more]

  • doubledown trent replied to the topic Is Rudd doing the right thing? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago

    I don't want to be the grammar police here, but….If you don't know the difference between LOOSE and LOSE,If you don't know the difference between THEIR and THERE,and you don't know how to use an apostrophe correctly, why would we trust any of your ironclad predictions on the economy??

doubledown trent