doog replied to the topic Hot spots in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
Heard something about this last week, think one of the local pollies said she wanted it sorted before the election!
I get the impression it’s goner go…[smiling]
doog replied to the topic Vent—b$#@*y banks! in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
We once was $6000 short of finishing a reno just before puting it on the market, so we got a credit card and finished the job, it was ok for the short term.
doog replied to the topic Cost of Apartment Reno in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
Hi stephencampbell,
Kitchen can be about 5-10 k depending on size,
electrics, plumbing etc, bathrooms bout the same. Flooring can be from $25-50 pr m2 to buy and as a rule of thumb about the same to install, timber polishing aprox $20 pr m2 on top.I can put you on to a good reno guy if u are in Melbourne, he will give you a better idea of cost…[Read more]
doog replied to the topic Asbestos Removal – Help Please in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
No idea of the cost….think you would have to get the guy’s out to look at the job.But tip’s for DIY.
1) Wet down or even better mix pva (bondcrete etc) with water and spray with a garden sprayer.
2) Try to punch the nails though and remove full sheets if poss.(It’s when you break the stuff them nasty little fibers get out)
3) Double…[Read more]
doog replied to the topic First reno! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi berrygordy,
I can recommend the two old pom’s who have done our last two houses.
We found them to be very good.
they are called ‘the reno kings’ ( Think they are from around Yarraville way.)
Contact ….Paul 0418 527 887
Good luck,
Doog.doog replied to the topic what is the 80% best lowdoc in the forum Finance 19 years ago
ANZ was by far the best for us ’bout 6 months ago.
Just needed a letter from the accountant.
Hope this helps, doog.
Let me know if u need more info.
doog replied to the topic New laws?? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hobsons bay, vic
doog replied to the topic newbie needs help in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Could anyone tell me how i can find info on sold properties in the Brooklyn area please.
Cheers, doog.
doog replied to the topic newbie needs help in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Originally posted by APerry:
Hi Doog,To sell the land seperately you still need to get a town planning permit. What you can do with the block will be strongly dependent on the skill of your designer, I would suggest you find yourself an architect or draftsperson who is experienced in mediaum density housing and get them to give you some advice.…[Read more]
doog replied to the topic newbie needs help in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Just to add a bit more info….We seem to have the required driveway width, and a six foot easment runs along the back fence. We could maybe get permision for two t/h’s on the back.
So IF i sold the two back sub blocks for round 70k each and the existing (now renorvated) house for bout 260k neting aprox 400k. [biggrin]But if i sold alltogether…[Read more]
doog replied to the topic newbie needs help in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Thanks for the info, and yes i think we will sell both. But can we sell the land separate to the house, and if so is there any drawbacks in doing so.