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  • donxxx replied to the topic Help needed. in the forum Help Needed! 4 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Juerg,

    how did the Ian Ugarte course go? Did you finish it?


  • donxxx replied to the topic Ian Ugarte Hi Res Course in the forum Value Adding 4 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Sam,

    did you get any feedback on your question? Did you do the course?


  • donxxx started the topic deductable expenses when not proceeding with purchase in the forum Legal & Accounting 5 years, 4 months ago

    Can anyone tell me if they know about claiming purchase cost deductions (like pest inspection) in a situation where you subsequently decide to not proceed with the purchase? I’ve been told you can only claim the cost if you proceed with the purchase. Where property investment is a persons primary source of income, this doesn’t sound right.

  • donxxx started the topic deductable expenses whne not proceeding with purchase in the forum Legal & Accounting 5 years, 4 months ago

    Can anyone tell me if they know about claiming purchase cost deductions (like pest inspection) in a situation where you subsequently decide to not proceed with the purchase? I’ve been told you can only claim the cost if you proceed with the purchase. Where property investment is a persons primary source of income, this doesn’t sound right.

  • Hi All,
    I agree with Benny, be very careful of any advisor that has a property they recommend.
    Good Luck,

  • donxxx replied to the topic Has anyone dealt with the Spring Financial Group or AWA in the forum Help Needed! 8 years, 7 months ago

    hi Murali, Anyone…
    did you get any advice from Spring? were they any good?
    I met with them and they want me to come back with a whole lot of details around my financial situation etc. during this first meeting we talked about what interested me and why i came to them. This included things like their providing accounting services, checking my…[Read more]

  • donxxx replied to the topic "Setting up a good professional team" in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago

    Does anyone have a good property management agent in the Highgate Hill area?

  • donxxx replied to the topic Building Insurance advice needed in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Jacqui,
    Do you know who might be a good insurer for a block of 6 x timber flats in Brisbane? All on one title. above flood levels..

  • donxxx replied to the topic Landlord Insurance in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Lesley,
    Who did you insure through?
    They sound like someone we should avoid?


  • donxxx replied to the topic Accountant recommendations in Melbourne! in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 7 months ago

    Hi All,I am getting conflicting advice around trusts regarding land tax. I am considering buying commercial property in this case. I understand you can claim a reduction of land tax based on the land tax threshold ($350k land value threshold in Qld) making the calculation $1450 (for the first $350k) + whatever is above $350k land value x 1.7% =…[Read more]


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