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  • domkenn replied to the topic individual income tax and company title rental properties in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 1 month ago

    Scott No Mates wrote:
    …. I  believe that it is no longer possible to create company title properties (laws were repealed with the Strata Act)….

    I 'm not 100% sure but I think some Retirement Villages are still built and managed under a Company Title arrangement.

  • domkenn replied to the topic individual income tax and company title rental properties in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 1 month ago

    thanks for the feedback guys, especially 'crj'.  Yes I've got a typical lease with the tenant and I think the lease combined with Section 317 of the 1936 Income Tax Assessment Act pretty much seals it along wth the fact that I haven't found anything anywhere that indicates anything to the contrary.  My accountant is not charging much and is from Q…[Read more]


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