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  • dnh83 replied to the topic Flooding and the affect on House Prices in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    Wow…certainly not what I was expecting to read (or intended) with my post…apologies if it did offend anyone…The main reason behind the post was due to my desire to learn and discuss the situation beyond what was being shown on TV, especially how an economy recovers from such an impact, what it means for the Community in which I liv…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic RESULTS in 2010 – Who’s enrolled ?? in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    Hi Fredo…Just doing the numbers on another deal in Brassall…at this stage it's only looking like a return of about 15% so it's not great but it will keep me busy (and it's better than waiting years for that 20%+ deal to come along)…Regarding my first Deal, I sold my battleaxe block, there's a house on it now with tenants living in it…I've…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic My renovation challange in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Brian – I've used the below site before…it was a year or two back, and from memory the link only stays active for a couple of months…have a read of the info on the site, i'm sure it'll give you some more info…,Darren

  • dnh83 replied to the topic RESULTS in 2010 – Who’s enrolled ?? in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    Ipswich is challenging right now – IMO it's still a buyers market but be conservative with your estimated sale price – there's evidence out there of people having to take a fair hit to onsell right now…and while i've heard people spruik it as 'soon to boom', it's still a low socio-economic area (so don't expect the really Big Profits/Growth if…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic RESULTS in 2010 – Who’s enrolled ?? in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    Cheers – Done

  • dnh83 replied to the topic RESULTS in 2010 – Who’s enrolled ?? in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    Cheers D…No, I'm not in the RESULTS Forum, I assumed i'd be hooked up come July…Just had a look and my user name and password for here doesn't work…Did you hit the guys up to hook you in early ??I might flick them an email…Cheers,Darren

  • dnh83 replied to the topic One bedroom Reno Help Required in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Hi Redda,I've tried numerous times to get pics loaded into posts – how'd you get it to work ??Please keep the photo's coming…Good Luck with it.Cheers,Darren

  • Mrs Property,Search the forums for some costing spreadsheets ideas, I haven't done this but i'm sure there will be something floating around.I think that both of the options you've put forward sound great, at the end of the day you want to aim for a win-win for both parties involved.  Also consider a contingency plan, what happens if you only get…[Read more]

  • IMHO – as a minimum you should be paying at least a few more percentage points than the banks are offering, anything above 10% return would be suitable for a quick deal in the current market. It also depends on the relationship you have with ur JV partner, the amount of money involved, the risks, etc…case by case basis. Some money partners may…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic Prop Development Feasibility Study in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    I managed to get my hands on some of Carly Crutchfields DVDs and even she states that the 20% profit margin is calculated on today’s market price. The 20% allows you to take a small hit from a drop in the market and still profit from the deal.

    I would be very dubious about relying on equity growth alone, especially given the recent economic…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic My renovation challange in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Talk about buying Problems….good luck with the rest of the Reno Brian.

    Regarding pics, you can create a free account on a file sharing website, upload the photos, then paste a link to your photos into this forum topic.

    Search Google for a ‘Free file sharing’ site. It’s the only way I’ve figured out how to post pics on here for now.

    Normally…[Read more]

  • Ree – just curious what state you are in ??



  • dnh83 replied to the topic 250k club in the forum Forum Frolic 15 years ago

    Thanks DWolf…Re-Valuation has single handedly ruined my day (thanks Mr. NAB Valuer)…so the feelings' mutual right about now…Good luck with the decision you make…hope it works out for the best.Cheers,Darren

  • dnh83 replied to the topic 250k club in the forum Forum Frolic 15 years ago

    Hi Paul,There's a banner on the Right side of this website that is titled "Register Your Copy".  You click on that, input your email and you'll get sent the details (email the Admins if you've done this already and still haven't received an email back).Thanks for the Update Steve.And for anyone curious about the follow up of my question at this…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic 250k club in the forum Forum Frolic 15 years ago

    I’ve been onto the book bonus site and have downloaded the templates that have been provide. You may need to register if you haven’t received this. There are still a few bonuses that haven’t been added, they’d be great to get a hold of….

    I was really looking forward to the networking opportunities that were possible with the $250k club. It…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic Sub Division – Ipswich. QLD in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hi Sid,Check out if the property has a Mining Overlay to begin with, no point in doing the Geo-Tech if you don't have too…You can do this on PD Online ( info listed above by Amanda is what I was referring to in my reply earlier (to the question you asked…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum Just found 15 years ago

    Just found it

    I wish I had of had something/anything prior to my first Reno…

  • dnh83 replied to the topic Stephen Tolle & Cherie Barber workshop in the forum I always think about these 15 years ago

    I always think about these costs as the ‘cost of education’.

    You would pay twice as much for a basic Uni course, all while studying and not earning.

    You should never buy something you can’t afford, but if you are certain that you want to get into Renovations, and you like Steve and Cheries style then you have to ask yourself ‘are you ready to…[Read more]

  • dnh83 replied to the topic Do you pay Advertising Fees when Selling ?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    I can, and yes if it sells that's what will happen…Problem is, if it doesn't sell then I still pay…and if I don't pay, there's a high chance that he's not going to push as hard to turn over the land…there's also less exposure in the market…So given I want it sold, i'll be paying the fees…Just something I never considered…this is my…[Read more]

  • Thanks Terry – just to clarify, eventually the business will be turning over stock within a 12 month period – hence the reason for setting it up this way.Cheers,Darren

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