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  • Profile photo of dmv

    Just curious as to why you have a bad credit rating? My husband also has a business that we have spent the last 10 years growing – he too had issues with buying investment properties. I managed to convince him to start small by presenting a professionally packaged (by me – computers have some uses ) outline of what I wanted to achieve, my timeframe, entry and exit stategies, worst and best case scenarios – with the emphasis on worst case for all figures. I then showed him that I was serious about investing as a business by constantly educating myself (reading, listening to CD's, attending educational seminars – not just about property but business management as well). I told him that I didn't expect him to put in extra hours (he works long enough anyway) shopping for the real estate or managing it. I presented it in a way that his business wasn't threatened. My guess is that having lost your own home to keep the business going he may feel that using his business to guarantee a "risky" investment is giving him horrible flashbacks to a time he'd rather forget. So my advice is take it slow, find something small, show that you are competent in running the investment business, let him adjust to the idea that RE isn't going to take his home or business and then expand…….. If you come in with all guns blazing and saying what a wonderful thing it is and how much money it will make etc without showing an understanding of the risks and how you plan to minimize/manage them then it is understandable that he will freak out – at least mine did .

    Good luck – don't give up and even if you can't buy something now keep researching, presenting business plans showing all considerations to him, and educating yourself (and him) – you will get there. I read in Napolean Hill's Think and Grow Rich that most people give up just when they are about to break through the seemingly insurmountable problems that stand in their way and fall short of the goal by such a small margin you wonder why they gave up (at least from the outside). Believe in yourself – if it's what you truly want and are passionate about you'll get there.


    Profile photo of dmv

    Well done Jason and Felicity,

    Congrats on the well earned break too!
    So excited for you – have fun looking for the next one (and the next).
    Drop us a line,


    Profile photo of dmv

    Hi Jason,

    Still totalled but coming to terms with the great info! What you have achieved is totally amazing, here's to several interested parties and a better than anticipated outcome.


    Profile photo of dmv

    Nearly there my friend! Hang in there it will all be worth it! Good luck for the weekend.


    Profile photo of dmv

    I got 1092,

    Not sure how accurate it is as I had to adjust our income to our living expenses as we live on about a third of what we actually earn….. Then it was difficult to determine the value of our business and also the value of some assets we hold that are not easily liquidated but will eventually return an income……. And I truly have no idea how much we have in super as it is not an investment vehicle that I put much faith in…… So I guess I still have alot of work to do to make sure that when it comes down to it we truly do have financial security.

    Profile photo of dmv

    I wouldn't say things are 'hot' here in our area. We're 40kms from Melbourne with a direct line commute down the Hume. Prices are fairly stable though rents are high and rentals are scarce. Some properties sell very very quickly but there are a lot of properties just sitting there for months sometimes more than 8 months before they sell. There isn't much difference in price between a house that needs work and one that is older but in pristine condition. New estates are planned and new releases in old estates are numerous but land isn't selling all that fast either. Housing construction seems to have slowed from frantic to merely fast. In all it seems fairly stable, not down or up just sideways. It is fairly difficult to find anything under $200k with most houses going mid to high $200k to mid $300k.


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