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  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Another Sensible Alternative in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    You assume that the RBA raised rates to slow the property market and not the rest of the economy. Please consider the possibility that it wants to do the opposite. I think that if you consider all the facts then this can be seen. As the RBA governor said this week the real estate market was already turning before the rate rise so there was…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Property beats shares in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    I agree with those here that think this article is a bit of rubbish. I have several reasons.
    Firstly,as Robert Kiyosaki says, it’s not the product its the plan. Anything can be made to look good or bad depending on what you do with it. I think this is along the same lines as what still_in_school said.
    Secondly, to consider which is better in a…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Is the bubble giong to burst!!!!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I happen to disagree with Bill Moss’s assessment of the market. He says that property crashes occur when the market fundamentals are out of kilter. I would have though that average rental yields of 3% was slightly out of kilter. And if rents are dropping in some areas then vacancy rates are too high in those areas no what matter the numerical…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic nsw government proposal in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi again
    I think that what was done in the US was that deductions were capped at a certain amount and the amount was dependant on your personal income. I have a feeling that no deductions are allowed if you earn over $100000. Not sure about that though. PeterM is right though in that rents would increase as they did in the US and even in…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic nsw government proposal in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hey guys
    I think in the proposal you are talking about the gov’t has suggested restricting the superannuation option to just couples in their 20s and 30s and also the amount to just $20000. On top of that it recommends only allowing it for purchases under about $500000. I think that it is quite conscious of the fact that the FHBG didn’t really end…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Expat tax Advice in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    I am thinking along those lines. Will there be any problems if I then use that income to get a loan in Aus?

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Expat tax Advice in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Yes please pass it on! I have been asking around over here for a ages trying to find someone with a common interest in property and pretty much come up blank so I would really appreciate it if you could pass it on. I have a thousand and one questions and ideas to run by someone over here so getting in contact with someone with experience…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Investment property converted ? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Was wondering what the story was Bill. Saw you have been getting a fair rap in the forum recently so have been following your posts a bit and was starting to wonder whether you were allergic to sleep or something. You seem to post very late at night. I am two hours later here in japan so I can keep up but it did catch my attention a bit. Wasnt…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Expat tax Advice in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Sure I can look into it. The mate of mine is overseas at the moment so it may take a while but will see what I can do. Got a feeling that the mortgage broker and possibly the bank were both foreign but not sure of that. Yeah you are right about the mortgage broker and checking up on them. Even if you have to refinance when going home I guess the…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic ALL over red ROVER in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    What do you think about non-unit Sydney and Melbourne? I realise that units would be worse but going by yields arent houses etc severely overvalued too? Just from what I read in the RBA report about average yields compared with overseas it would appear that prices are stupidly high. I understand that with the tax treatment in aus yields…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Expat tax Advice in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    I am sure my scholarship is tax free. Have you had or do you know about the Monbusho schoplarship? Thats the one I am on. As far as other work goes, about half is cash in hand and the rest I am not taxed unless maybe it goes before I see it. This job is only once a week and the pay is a round number so I assume not. It is pretty casual as I dont…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Expat tax Advice in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Thanks for the reply Bill.
    I am a bit reluctant to fully disclose my situation to the accountant until I find out a bit more about where I stand. I have had no experience with him as he is Dad’s. We are planning to go and talk to his financial planner when I go home in a few weeks who has drawn up Dad’s retirement plans before we approach the one…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Shared Equity Wizard Home Loans in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Have got a feeling that Sweden has some sort of equity sharing system and perhaps other countries do too. The aim of this system is to make property cheaper but I would have thought that it would made prices higher. Economically supply and demand determine prices and so if you increase demand by paying for half of the house then prices would…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic “Brainstorming for Ideas and more”… in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hey Bill
    Hope this is what you are looking for.
    Please note that this is not my own deal but one of a close friend of mine and as a result the numbers are a bit rough.
    Here goes
    This person already owned a block of classrooms in a built up area close to Sydney but nolonger had a use for them. Considered selling them off and had them valued at…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic 6 questions worth pondering in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    1) What was the prime motivating event in your life that created a focus on the need to invest?

    My mother passed away 5 years ago. I was the oldest of 4 kids at only 15. My father was a typical 7am til 7pm farmer who suddenly became a single parent and anyone who knows anything about farming knows those two things just dont go together. Therefore…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Making mulitple offers in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    By the way, where abouts are you based? I think I saw somewhere you are in Cowra. Is that right? Just that I am from Wagga and to start with would only be interested in (able to afford) country properties for a while. Havent started yet though as am 20 and study overseas for a while. No probs if you’d prefer not say.

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Making mulitple offers in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hey all
    Are you saying you think one should only have one offer in at one time? How long do you think is a reasonable time to allow the vendor to accept or decline the offer? Also what do you think are reasonable and unreasonable clauses(outs) to put in an offer?
    Many thanks

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Neil Jenman in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    I think Jenman has a positive role to play in the real estate game without taking everything he says. I dont agree with all that he says (eg I think there are both unethical and ethical wraps) but through looking for and throwing light on dodgy individuals and practices within the industry he may be able to force some change regarding these and if…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Effect of property bust on share market in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Must be honest, I dont really agree with your interpretation of the economics of this. I have a few problems with what you said. Please prove me wrong but at the moment I have these problems.
    1.Property is the passive side of the investment cycle. That is, people will pile into real estate when shares perform poorly. However, investors do…[Read more]

  • dl_gleeson replied to the topic Cash on Cash calculator…. in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Could I please have one.

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