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  • dimas_renaldi replied to the topic Experiences with Students? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Simon (Mortgage Hunter)

    I got two question for you about the utilities – since obviously you’re very experienced in this.

    The Utilities bill (gas, water, electricity) do come up when the winter comes. Since tenants still pay the same rent, therefore it’s landlord profit margin that got hit by it. Do you have any suggestion regarding…[Read more]

  • dimas_renaldi replied to the topic Is Neil Jenman for real? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 9 months ago

    I personally don’t like Neil. Make a living mostly by fuelling people’s fear will make you a saint and a witch at the same time.

    Think about this…If he’s someone who warns people about bad stuffs, he’s a saint. Unfortunately I’ve never seen a guy who works around ‘the negative side’ without even making a mistake. I’ve read a report years back…[Read more]


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