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  • DIAMOND_GUS replied to the topic Quite your job and rent reliant in the forum No Subject 21 years, 4 months ago

    In answering to Q1 It’sa great idea. Replacing your weekly wage with risidual income is the most smartest and powerful things you can do. Ask yourself this. Do i feel like going to work today?
    To know you are not tied to a ball and chain (work) is poweful in itself. You can go to work then because you chose to.And you are also earning $1200 per…[Read more]

  • DIAMOND_GUS replied to the topic Living The Dream ?!?! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago

    Thankfully i live the dream
    I live a life of finnancial freedom with passive income in the six figures.I now, after four years hard work i have choices other don’have.
    I wake up when i finish sleeping.i am in complete control of my life. i will say though i have this time freedom and finnancial freedom from another source other than property, but…[Read more]


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